Digestive disorders may lead to heart disease and death

by time news

And scientists from the University of Oxford concluded that suffering from a common bowel condition may make you more susceptible to heart disease, according to the British newspaper (Daily Mail) in a report seen by Al Arabiya Net.

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A recent scientific study concluded that people who suffer from “celiac disorders” have an increased risk of heart disease, which means that they are ultimately more likely to die than others.

And scientists from the University of Oxford concluded that suffering from a common bowel condition may make you more susceptible to heart disease, according to the British newspaper (Daily Mail) in a report seen by Al Arabiya.net.

Celiac disease, which affects around one in 100 people in Britain, damages the gut when the body overreacts to gluten – a protein found in bread – leading to diarrhoea, abdominal pain and bloating.

But scientists at Oxford University have now discovered that people with this disease have a higher risk of developing heart disease, which increases the longer they have the condition.

Previous studies had reported a link between digestive disorders and an increased risk of heart disease and said that this was because these people had other risk factors such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and obesity, but the authors of the new research say their findings indicate otherwise.

Using hospital data to analyze the health outcomes of nearly 470,000 Britons aged 40 to 69 over four years, the researchers found cardiovascular problems – such as heart disease and heart attacks – occurring each year in nine out of every 1,000 celiac patients, compared to those with celiac disease. Approximately seven in 1,000 people do not have the disease.

They said that the risk remained the same even if these people were in good health and did not suffer from excess weight or any other problems that may affect the health of the heart and blood vessels.

Celiac disease, otherwise known as an autoimmune condition, occurs when the body’s immune system, for reasons not fully understood, mistakes the substances in gluten as a threat and attacks them, damaging the intestinal tissue. This causes ulcers and inflammation.

Patients must avoid eating anything containing gluten, such as bread, pasta, many cereals and prepared foods made from flour, while many need to take medication to control these disorders.

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