Digital health, constant evolution in data

by time news

2023-05-16 21:00:56

The internet is currently an indispensable tool in the personal and professional development of each person. The digital era has gained strength in the last 3 years, making everyday life through a screen; because it offers us learning, entertainment and connection, among many other things.

78.6% of the world population has access and makes continuous use of the Internet. In Mexico, there are currently 101 million users, this number increased by 4.8% in relation to the previous year 2022.

In perspective with other necessary services, the percentage of people with Internet access corresponds to 78.6%, while access to drinking water is 99.7% and to electricity 99.4%.

People between the ages of 16 and 64 use it daily for an average of 8 hours and 7 minutes. This time is mainly divided into two; the use of the Internet on computers or tablets, which is 3 hours and 35 minutes, and the use of the Internet on cell phones, which corresponds to 4 hours and 32 minutes. That is, the latter covers 55.9% of the time in which the Internet is used in Mexico.

Although there are countless reasons to go to the Internet, between the second half of 2022 and the first half of 2023, 15 areas have been established in which this tool is used regularly. In the first 5 main reasons to use the Internet in Mexico are:

1. Search for Information (71.6%)
2. Investigation of how to do things (67.7%)
3. Maintain contact with family and friends (66.4%)
4. Stay up to date with news and events (60.8%)
5. Access to music (59.3%)

Within the estimated daily use time, activities such as the use of social networks (3 hours and 21 minutes), use of applications to listen to music (2 hours and 12 minutes) and listening to podcasts (1 hour and 8 minutes) also stand out. .

The digital age has impacted all sectors of daily life, from our communication to health. Millions of searches are made recurrently about diseases, symptoms, treatments and remedies for any ailment.

Currently there are platforms specialized in health. For some years now, several companies in Mexico have launched a range of health services that patients can access online and from different digital media; It is increasingly common to hear about digital medical appointments and online monitoring. What offers a more effective and comfortable alternative to patients.

Of the people with internet access, it is estimated that 22% visit specialized or recognized platforms to not only identify their condition, but also to find a possible solution to it. Undoubtedly, the best option is always to approach a health professional, either in person or online; Fortunately, Internet access allows patients and doctors from all over the world to connect. Platforms that allow immediate patient-doctor interaction turn out to be the most used.

It is important to consider the force that health could take digitally in the technological present that we live in; Recognizing its advantages and being informed of safe and reliable web pages, blogs, social networks, media and platforms can help us maintain a healthy lifestyle, prevent diseases and in the near future, treat them.

The importance of the Internet today in Mexico lies not only in the number of people who have access to it, but also in the quality of the content that is shared for viewing by the patient; This responsibility falls on health professionals and specialists, as well as creatives, marketers, designers and other people involved in the communication process from doctor to patient.


Digital 2023, The essential guide to the lastes connected behaviours (We are social/Meltwater)

Héctor Salinas is a graduate of CECC Pedregal with a degree in Marketing and Advertising. He has more than 10 years of experience in the pharma industry for the development of campaigns and special projects for the main pharmaceutical companies worldwide. He is currently CEO of McCANN Health – Integral Systems. AN IPG Health Company, a leading agency in the pharmaceutical field with products and brands that have leaders in the health market.

#Digital #health #constant #evolution #data

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