“Digital means are able to guarantee the traceability and allow the transparency of chemical products”

by time news

2023-04-24 18:00:19

IA little less than twenty years ago, in March 2004, the executive committee of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) adopted a declaration in favor of the Reach regulation [acronyme de Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals, soit enregistrement, évaluation et autorisation des substances chimiques, entré en vigueur en 2007] for an ambitious chemicals policy.

This declaration was based on the desire to ensure a real improvement in the protection of the health and safety of workers exposed to chemicals. For what ? Because Reach laid down essential principles:

– producer’s duty of vigilance for all substances produced or imported, on the basis of a “reversal of the burden of proof” toxicity;

– recording and traceability of hazardous substances;

– evaluation of the quality of information provided by producers, time-limited authorization to promote substitution plans;

– impact on employment, impact on health and impact on the environment: it is on these three dimensions that Reach must operate simultaneously.

Many flaws

In use, the application of the legislation has shown many shortcomings, in particular by highlighting the increase in exposure levels for human and environmental health. See the “Forever Pollution Project” report, in particular sites contaminated by “eternal chemicals”. These products accumulate in the environment, where they remain for generations. However, today Reach does not have the means to prevent this pollution!

Also read the column: Article reserved for our subscribers “The postponement of the European plan to ban toxic substances reflects pressure from industrial lobbies”

Since the publication of the Reach regulation, many flaws in the field of information by companies on the substances they produce have been identified. Information is the foundation of all Reach regulatory action. However, today’s digital means are able to guarantee traceability and allow transparency.

The industry is reluctant to produce quality information and continues its battle to refuse to address the combined effect of substances. The revision of this regulation, by guaranteeing the positive impacts in terms of public health, occupational health, food safety and the environment is one of the cornerstones of a genuine European Green Deal.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers “The chemical industry lobbies have won”: the European Commission buries the plan to ban substances toxic to health and the environment

Thierry Breton, commissioner in charge of the internal market, fears that an overly broad reform will harm the competitiveness of companies. On September 30, 2022, he wrote to European Union environment ministers: “Either we accept the closure of entire sections of our productive system, or we try to maintain our competitiveness. »

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