Digitalization – Großriedenthal: 66 percent say “yes” to fiber optics 2024-03-20 21:30:00

by time news

“Our citizens have recognized that it is important to jump on the bandwagon and equip households and companies with future-proof internet connections at gigabit speeds by expanding the Lower Austrian fiber optic network,” said Mayor Schneider. He particularly emphasized the high connection rate of 66 percent. “This is almost unique in the central area of ​​Lower Austria. I am proud that we as a community have pulled together over the past few months.”

“The expansion of the Lower Austrian fiber optic network in Großriedenthal with an impressive investment sum of 1.7 million euros undoubtedly marks a real digital milestone. As the fiber optic expansion progresses, promising opportunities are opening up for the community as an attractive location for new companies, which in turn promotes the creation of new jobs,” said club chairman Danninger.

The fiber optic network for the 700 households in Großriedenthal requires investments of 1.7 million euros and the laying of around 17 kilometers of fiber optic routes. The construction work is being carried out by Porr AG; planning and implementation of the network is the responsibility of nöGIG. “Fast internet is essential these days. With the Lower Austria model for broadband expansion, we are bringing fiber optics to rural communities,” explains nöGIG Managing Director Baumgartner.

The open fiber optic infrastructure is available to all Internet service providers, which promotes competition and offers customers a wide range of attractive products at affordable prices. “Thanks to the investor model, the infrastructure remains largely in public ownership, which benefits the entire population in the long term”says ecoplus Managing Director Helmut Miernicki.

2024-03-20 21:30:00

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