diplomatic crisis | China expels a Canadian consul after the expulsion of her ambassador to Canada

by time news

2023-05-09 15:42:22

Zhao WeiChinese diplomat in Torontoy Jennifer Lynn LalondeCanadian consul in Shanghai, They have five days to pack their bags and return to their respective countries. The expulsion of diplomats marks another chasm in the bilateral relations between Canada y China, punished for years by crossed arrests and an irremediable distrust.

The last crisis was born in an information from the Canadian newspaper Globe and Mail which, citing intelligence sources, accuses Zhao of “intimidating” the conservative MP, Michael Chong. This Canadian politician is known for his belligerence against China and for being the catalyst of the parliamentary proposal that described the campaign against the Uighur ethnicity in the western province of Xinjiang. The Canadian outlet claims that Zhao would have helped gather information about Chong’s relatives in Hong Kong and “set an example” to discourage criticism of beijing.

Mutual expulsion of diplomats

The information created a storm that pushed the Canadian Foreign Office to clarify last week to the chinese ambassador to canada that he would not tolerate any further meddling in domestic politics. For the conservative opposition, very critical of the alleged government lukewarmness, it was insufficient. Three days later, last Monday, Ottawa stated “persona non grataZhao and ordered him to leave the country. It only remained to know who of the extensive canadian diplomatic corps Beijing would choose this morning. has been the consul Jennifer Lynn Lalonde.

In addition, China It has clarified that it reserves the right to “take further measures” in response to the previous “irrational” and “unscrupulous” expulsion of its diplomat that violates “the most basic principles of international relations.” Last week he had dismissed as “slander and defamation” the accusations about Zhao and today the The Chinese embassy He spoke of “ideological prejudices and political manipulations.”

the rioters relations with china have been part of the Canadian public and political debate in recent years. About the prime minister Justin Trudeaustones have rained down for their indolence towards the revelations of their services of espionage, and his promise that he found out from the press has convinced few. Trudeau has rebuked the agency for not sending him the report and ordered him to share any threats with parliament from now on. “Very little, too late,” said Chong, the allegedly intimidated lawmaker, who said Zhao should have been expelled “many years ago.” According to him, this passivity has turned Canada “in something akin to a playground for foreign interference and threats.” “I hope this sends a clear message to authoritarian states that these types of activities are totally incompatible with the exercise of diplomacy in this country,” he continued.

Crisis irremediable

Sino-Canadian bilateral relations were hopelessly ruined in 2018 by the Huawei case, in full offensive of the former US president Donald Trump against the chinese technology. Canada came under crossfire from the two superpowers when Washington accused the company’s heiress and top executive, Meng Wanzhoufor violating the embargo on Iran and asked their northern neighbors for their arrest.

The Chinese laments about the political nature of the process were not implausible if we consider that Trump later clarified that an agreement in the trade war would oil the happy outcome.. The slaps, in any case, were taken by Canada. two of its nationals, Michael Spavor y Michael Kovrigwere arrested in China on steamy espionage charges and spent nearly three years behind bars.

The distrust was underlined in a scene during the last summit of G20 a Bali. Xi JinpingChinese president, scolded Trudeau in front of the cameras for having leaked to the media the details of the conversation held the day before.

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