Diplomatic Crisis: India and Canada Clash Over Alleged Involvement in Killing of Sikh Separatist

by time news

Title: Diplomatic Tensions Soar as Canada Accuses India of Involvement in Killing of Sikh Separatist Leader

A recent accusation by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau that India was involved in the killing of a Sikh separatist leader on Canadian soil has sparked a diplomatic war between the two nations. Canada has called upon its allies to challenge India, while India retaliated by expelling a top Canadian diplomat. The strained relations between the countries can be traced back to years of diplomatic tension and India’s concerns over the support that Sikh separatist groups receive from Western nations, particularly Canada.

The Indian government has long accused Western nations, including Canada, Britain, the United States, and Australia, of turning a blind eye to the activities of extremist Sikh groups that support the secessionist cause of Khalistan in India’s Punjab region. India has alleged that these groups have vandalized Indian diplomatic missions and threatened Indian diplomats, while the Western nations have failed to take necessary action. The Indian government’s response may also be influenced by domestic politics, with Prime Minister Narendra Modi utilizing the Khalistan threat to present himself as the protector of India’s Hindu majority.

The Allegation and Response
Prime Minister Trudeau’s accusation that Indian agents were linked to the fatal shooting of Sikh separatist leader Hardeep Singh Nijjar in British Columbia has further exacerbated diplomatic tensions. The Canadian government promised to take strong action to protect its citizens and sovereignty if the role of Indian agents is confirmed. In response, India forcefully dismissed the allegation, rejecting any connection to Nijjar’s death and accusing Canada of sheltering extremists and terrorists who threaten India’s sovereignty.

Escalating Breach and Political Calculations
The breach between Canada and India has been a result of escalating tensions, with Sikh groups pointing fingers and protesting against Indian diplomats, increasing pressure on Canadian politicians. The strained relations have also been fueled by political calculations on both sides. India believes that inaction against the activities of Sikh separatist groups in Western nations is driven by local political considerations, as the Sikh diaspora has grown influential in farming lobbies in regions such as California and Australia.

Khalistan Movement’s History and Impact
The Khalistan separatist movement, which originated before India’s partition in 1947, reached a violent climax in the 1980s. Following the takeover of the Golden Temple by militants, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi responded with a bloody operation that left hundreds dead. The assassination of Gandhi by her Sikh bodyguards led to widespread pogroms that resulted in the deaths of thousands of innocent Sikhs. While support for the secessionist cause in Punjab has dwindled, it remains a rallying cry among Sikhs living in Western countries, leading to tensions with India.

The recent accusation by Canada against India regarding the killing of a Sikh separatist leader has further strained diplomatic relations between the two countries. Years of tension and concerns over Sikh extremist activities have contributed to the current state of affairs. As both nations stand firm in their positions, the prospects for a resolution to the conflict seem uncertain, with domestic politics playing a significant role in shaping the rhetoric and actions of both sides.

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