DIRECT. Constitution: Emmanuel Macron wants a “simplification” of the use of the shared initiative referendum

by time news

2023-10-04 13:19:52

Abortion, climate…

Freedom of women to resort to abortion, protection of the climate, independence of prosecutors… These subjects are the subject of requests for inclusion in the Constitution by its defenders. For the right to abortion, Emmanuel Macron recalls his “desire to agree on a text as soon as possible”, as he mentioned on March 8.

Concerning other subjects, he simply declared “that with or without constitutional mention, let us act with ambition and unity”.

The question of Corsica and New Caledonia

He cited plans to give more autonomy to Corsica and New Caledonia, already mentioned in recent months. He deplores an “unfinished decentralization” which “produces ineffectiveness of public action” and which, according to him, is responsible “for the loss of points of reference for our fellow citizens”. Modifying the Constitution in these territories could lead to “a new stage of decentralization”.

Macron wants to “simplify” referendum procedures

The president wants to “simplify” the procedure for the Shared Initiative Referendum (RIP). “Its scope must be broadened” as is the case with the presidential initiative referendum. The RIP makes it possible to force the government to consult the French on questions, as the left demanded on pension reform. But the mechanism, complex and difficult to read, is little used.

“The Constitution cannot do everything”

“Faced with the challenges of time, the Constitution cannot do everything,” warns Emmanuel Macron, as voices are raised to facilitate the cumbersome procedure of the referendum.

It “deserves to be revised” but “not under the influence of emotion nor to respond to fashions”.

Emmanuel Macron begins his speech

He “thanks” the Constitutional Council for its work and evokes “unusual pressure on (its) work in recent months”, particularly during the pension reform as we explained here.

“The Constitution has become the most stable in our history,” declares Emmanuel Macron. Its spirit draws its source from the essential principles defined by three words: transmission, revolution and action.”

“A Constitution holds us together”

“France, like Europe, must defend and embody respect for the law,” underlines Laurent Fabius. “A Constitution holds us together,” adds the President of the Constitutional Council before giving the floor to Emmanuel Macron.

Laurent Fabius spoke

Former Socialist Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Laurent Fabius is the president of the Constitutional Council. He defends “the stability” allowed by the institution.

Why reform institutions?

Twice since the start of his first five-year term, Emmanuel Macron has attempted to reform the institutions, including in 2018, without success.

This morning, he returns to the charge except that the context is no longer the same.

This is also one of the demands that emerged from the “Saint-Denis Meetings”, this day of exchanges between the president and the opposition parties organized at the end of August.

Towards greater autonomy for Corsica?

Last week, Emmanuel Macron took a step towards autonomy for Corsica. “In order to fully anchor Corsica in the Republic”, he wants its “entry into the Constitution”, a gesture which he describes as “indispensable”.

Concretely, this process could lead to the transfer of skills (economic, social, etc.) to Corsican communities, a greater place given to the Corsican language in public services, etc.

“A constitutional and organic text” will be submitted to a vote “within six months”, i.e. March 2024, said the head of state.

What is the Constitution?

The Constitution of the Fifth Republic, established by Charles de Gaulle on October 4, 1958, is celebrating its 65th anniversary. This founding text is the one that has had the longest lifespan for two centuries, just behind that of the Third Republic (1870-1940).

The Constitutional Council, guarantor of compliance with the text

A sort of quasi-Supreme Court, it was created to ensure the stability of our institutions. His power grew over the years. It oversees the control of elections and includes within its scope the preamble to the 1958 Constitution, the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen and the control of respect for the major principles of the Republic, such as secularism.

Under the leadership of Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, the institution can now be addressed by 60 deputies or 60 senators. It becomes a lever used by oppositions to challenge the executive’s projects. The Council has already said “no” on several occasions, including censoring elements linked to the isolation of patients and the “tracing” of their contacts during the Covid epidemic in May 2020.

Its members, formerly appointed for life, are appointed for nine years and renewed by thirds every three years.

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