DIRECT. Council of Paris: Dati and the LRs leave the hemicycle, Hidalgo assumes the increase in the property tax

by time news


Anne Hidalgo completes her speech

“I regret that we cannot have the presentation of another project, another path”, concludes the mayor, recalling the absence of the LR advisers in front of her. She is applauded by her majority.


Some owners should be exempt from this property tax

“We exempt fragile households 100%,” she continued, referring in particular to those over 75 or those who receive the means-tested disabled adult allowance.


“I will not be able to keep this commitment”, assumes Hidalgo, about the property tax

Anne Hidalgo recognizes it, she had “undertaken not to increase the taxes of Parisians”. “I couldn’t keep that commitment,” she admitted.

The property tax will experience an “increase of 7 points”, she confirms, referring to “a tool of solidarity between Parisians”. “We will not be able to live in a city where the temperatures envisaged will reach 50 degrees”, she insists.


Anne Hidalgo justifies her budget project

“We are making a choice: that of refusing to degrade our public services”, assumes Anne Hidalgo, when defending her draft budget. “Close our swimming pools”, “reduce the number of places in crèches”, “welcome fewer children in our PMI”, “increase the price of the canteen”… So many devices which the mayor of Paris does not want to touch.


170 million euros planned on the 2023 budget for energy expenditure

Anne Hidalgo evokes “a difficult situation for all the municipalities”, “which was not taken into account by the government”, logically citing the case of Paris. Energy costs will represent 170 million euros on the 2023 budget, it is “100 million more compared to 2021 for Paris”, she assures.


A “healthy” situation assures Anne Hidalgo

“Paris is lucky to have a healthy financial situation,” replies the mayor of Paris. Real estate, lower unemployment, recovery in tourism… Anne Hidalgo assures the hemicycle of the good dynamics of the City, despite the concerns and reproaches of the opposition.


The Changer Paris (LR) group left the Board

As expected, the LR deputies and their leader left the Council of Paris. They had announced last week that they did not want to participate in “this parody of the budget debate”.


Rachida Dati castigates Anne Hidalgo’s “contempt”

Leader of the Republicans at the Council of Paris, Rachida Dati launches the debates and evokes the rules of the assembly. The budget orientation report should have been known “within two months before the vote on the budget”, she insists. “This document should have been sent before Wednesday, November 2 at the latest. (…) We had it on Monday, November 7 afternoon, unheard of”, assures Rachida Dati. And continues “In the meantime (…) you have decided in a somewhat shameful way, by a tweet, an increase in the property tax. What contempt, what disrespect! “.


A street or a square will bear the name of Nicole Catala

Several elected officials are continuing to pay tribute to the former Chiraquian minister, including that of Maud Gatel.


Nicole Catala in turn honored

A new tribute and a new minute of silence are organized, this time in tribute to Nicole Catala, former councilor of Paris, elected from the XIVth arrondissement, who died on October 19 at the age of 86.


A tribute to Patrick-Olivier Picourt, former deputy

The session begins with a tribute to Patrick-Olivier Picourt, former deputy mayor of Paris, who died on September 28 at the age of 71.

Anne Hidalgo evokes “a curious, creative man”, and sends her condolences to “his family, his friends, his loved ones”. After a minute of silence, Jack-Yves Bohot (LR) takes the floor in turn: “His commitment to Paris still resonates within the walls of this hemicycle”.


Anne Hidalgo chairs this Council

The mayor of Paris has just launched the first day of the Council of Paris. The first part of the morning will be devoted in particular to the report of the October session.


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Welcome to this live broadcast devoted to following the debates of the first day of the Paris Council.

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