DIRECT. Council of Paris: “Madame Dati does not scare us and will not silence us”, defends the majority

by time news

2023-06-06 16:30:32

New warning against “Trumpist excesses”

As the mayor of Paris did this Tuesday morning on France Inter, Patrick Bloche once again warned against “Trumpist excesses” and called for the return of “serenity” between elected officials.

« I call on everyone, as I have been able to do very often over the past three years, not to transform, and that was not the case today, this place into a deplorable circus that does no honor to democracy “, added Anne Hidalgo.

Francis Spzinerhe accused the majority of having “the defense of democracy and elected officials with variable geometry”.

“Madame Dati does not scare us”

At the beginning of the afternoon, this is the case of Rachida Data, mayor (LR) of the 7th arrondissement who is heating up the spirits at the Council of Paris. The elected, absent on this day, made four requests for functional protection.

This protection applies “to any official who is the victim of an offense in the exercise of his duties or because of his duties”.

The protections requested by Rachida Dati are part of press articles about her, on which the elected representatives of the majority have regularly bounced. This was particularly the case for a Liberation article entitled “Barbouzerie at PSG: the track that leads to Rachida Dati”. For Changer Paris, the right-wing elected official is the victim of defamation.

The deputy mayor of Paris Patrick Bloche denounced an “unhealthy climate” with a “multiplication of requests for functional protection”. The majority also recalled the importance of freedom of the press.

“No Madame Dati does not scare us, and she will not silence us”, added Remi Feraud.

Francis Szpiner, mayor (LR) of the 16th arrondissement, judges that if it were not for Madame Dati, protection would have been granted.

The Council resumes!

2:30 p.m.: the Council of Paris resumes. She’s the mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo which reopens the session, with the study of the granting of subsidies to several associations for education ingender equality.

The Council of Paris is taking a break!

The elected officials leave the Town Hall during the lunch break. The meeting will resume at 2:30 p.m.

The fate of the gardens of Notre-Dame creates discord

The Changer Paris and Indépendants et Progressistes groups seized the municipality on the fate of the gardens of Notre Dame. These two groups have expressed their opposition to the project to transform the Jean XXIII and Île-de-France squares, particularly with regard to the reunification of the two spaces and the opening of the lawns to the public.

“Our concern is great. Square de l’Île-de-France houses the memorial to the martyrs of the deportation, this place of contemplation cannot become a place for walks and picnics”, declared Brigitte Kuster (Change Paris).

Maud Gatel, she pointed to a project that would threaten biodiversity, including hedges some remarkable trees.

If the opposition elected officials readily recalled the existence of a petition against the renovation of these squares, the first deputy Emmanuel Gregoire ruled that the signatories “have been misled” by “absurd” and “false” claims.

“When did it cross your mind that we had planned to sell beers in the Jean XXIII garden? “, he lambasted. And to add that the specifications provided for the preservation of trees.

The tone rose between Emmanuel Grégoire and Brigitte Kuster. “The next time you call me a liar, I will file a complaint,” said the latter.

The wishes of the opposition were not adopted, following an unfavorable opinion from the executive.

The AgriParis Seine project has been voted

Following rather consensual speeches on the part of the various groups, the project to create AgriParis Seine was voted on.

“We all wish AgriParis Seine a long and happy life and great results for all Ile-de-France residents,” said the first deputy. Emmanuel Gregoire.

The constituent general meeting will take place on July 7.

Will the AgriParis Seine project see the light of day?

After the vote on the various budgets, the Council of Paris goes on to study the creation of AgriParis Seine.

The objective of this operator will be to “eat better, healthier and to promote shorter circuit agriculture”, reminded the president of the Paris en Commun group to the Council of Paris. Remi Feraud.

The elected official affirmed that local food was an “essential lever of action for Paris to achieve its objective of carbon neutrality by 2050”.

AgriParis is a project designed by Audrey Pulvar in order to promote, within the capital, local food that is more respectful of the planet.

Paul Simondon responds to opposition groups

Deputy Mayor of Paris in charge of finance, budget, green finance and funeral affairs, Paul Simondonresponded point by point to the various groups who spoke on Tuesday morning.

“Explosion or pile of gold, you have to choose: is it going too badly or too well? “, he began by ironically.

Paul Simondon then claimed that the “5%” increase in “operating revenue” was due to a return to normal after the health crisis”.

“On the massive support of the state: it’s beautiful as hell Gabriel Attal in the text, but it is totally false, ”replied the deputy to Catherine Ibled.

For Changer Paris, the city is sitting on “a pile of gold”

He is the adviser David Alphand who spoke for the Changer Paris group this Tuesday morning. “You are literally on a pile of gold. Your budgetary choices are shameful, ”went the right-wing elected official, between the applause of his camp and some objections from his opponents.

“You could also have taken advantage of it to reduce your debt, but this is not the case. You spend your time whining, ”added the elected representative of the 16th arrondissement.

The latter also brandished the threat of a ” guardianship of the city which would be “more relevant than ever”, which provoked the laughter of some.

“No, the city’s finances are not healthy”

“No, the finances of the city are not healthy”, castigated Catherine Ibled, elected from the Independents and Progressives group. La Marcheuse pointed to “a rate ofindebtedness unprecedented”, which would have “doubled since 2014”.

“To create a diversion, you sometimes blame the crisis, sometimes equalization, sometimes the State”, she judged before mentioning the aid provided by the government to Parisians through the Green Fund or even on the energy map.

“We will not vote on the two draft deliberations,” she concluded.

The majority defends the “good financial state of the city of Paris”

In its introductory remarks, the municipal majority praised the administrative budget for 2022, observed this Tuesday during the Paris Council, as being “proof of the good financial condition of the city of Paris”.

The latter also congratulated itself on having “achieved its objectives” despite the “disengagement of the State” and ” inflation”. “We note a historic failure: for the first time, the city of Paris has received zero cents from the State”, specified the adviser Nicolas Bonnet Oulaldj (Communist and Citizen).

Hello everyone !

This Tuesday, the Parisian elected officials meet for a second day of exchanges within the Town hall, within the framework of the Council of Paris. Follow with us the continuation of the debates.

It will be a question of evoking the budgetary questions of the city of Paris.

This second day of debates comes after the vote, the evening before, of the Local urban plan (PLU) presented by the municipal majority.

#DIRECT #Council #Paris #Madame #Dati #scare #silence #defends #majority

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