DIRECT. Legislative: Mélenchon tope with the ecologists, discussions continue with the PS and the PCF

by time news


Legislative elections are also a question of money


Coralie Dubost retires from political life

Pinned in an article published by Mediapart for the amount of her monthly expense reports, LREM MP Coralie Dubost announced last night in a long text her decision to retire from political life and not to stand for a second legislative term. .


“A Majority Perspective”

Manuel Bompard, the former campaign manager of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, is the guest of France Inter. The agreement concluded with the ecologists triggers, he says, “the beginning of a dynamic which has one objective: to approach the legislative elections with a majority perspective”.


“Everyone must have the honor and the responsibility to assume their victories and defeats”

“This country needs to be told a story, but a beautiful story”, defends Stéphane Le Foll, who believes that the failure of the left dates back to April 21, 2002. “The defeat has not been analyzed today there,” he said. Stéphane Le Foll adds that “everyone must have the honor and the responsibility to assume their victories and defeats”, insinuating that Olivier Faure should have resigned after the first round of the presidential election.


“The Socialist Party lines up behind the rebel who has succeeded”

“It’s a cycle that is coming to an end. The Socialist Party ranks behind the rebellious who succeeded, ”continues Stéphane Le Foll. The ex-minister believes that Olivier Faure is saving constituencies without questioning the opposition that is being built.


“After whatever it costs, it’s nothing costs”

Stéphane Le Foll takes up all the points of cleavage noted with the Insoumis. Starting with Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s desire to defend non-alignment. He adds that he cannot bring himself to disobey European rules. The return to retirement at age 60, “it’s 50 to 60 billion euros to find, he continues. After the whatever it costs, it is the nothing costs”.


Stéphane Le Foll denounces a submission of the socialists

The former Minister of Agriculture is the guest of RTL. He believes that the “temptation” of the leadership of the Socialist Party to sign an agreement with the Insoumis is clear. “The big winner of the presidential election is the revolt, a form of radicalism (…) It’s a submission,” he said. “This country could be engaged in a tripartism with a lot of right, far right radicalism and an increasingly radical left. This country does not hustle. You can’t blame Macron for being Jupiter and wanting to do the same. »


What does the agreement between the ecologists and LFI say?

It’s a historic pact that was just concluded last night. According to information from L’Express, the two parties have agreed around a hundred constituencies in favor of the ecologists. On the merits, the two camps should plead for the minimum wage at 1400 euros, the return to retirement at 60, and even the need to “disobey” certain European rules on specific subjects.


Clan war within the majority


Jean Lassalle will talk about him again

The former candidate, who obtained more than a million votes in the first round, will hold a press conference on Monday morning. ? He should return to the presidential election and could even announce the referral to the Constitutional Council to obtain the cancellation of the presidential election, due to the management of speaking times.


Mélenchon holds his first real agreement

He had certainly signed with Generation.s, but this time, Jean-Luc Mélenchon holds his first real victory. While the left-wing parties feverishly pursued their quest for an agreement all day Sunday to face the legislative battle together, under the leadership of Jean-Luc Mélenchon and the Insoumis, an agreement was reached between LFI and the Greens In the evening. Our summary to discover in our dedicated article.


Hello and welcome to the Parisian website!

You will be able to follow with us a new day of politics, of preparation for the legislative elections. We should even come back to the presidential election.

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