Direct Polls poll: Benny Gantz drops, the right-wing bloc is stable – Lapid has no government

by time news

A week for the opening of the polls: A survey conducted by the Direct Falls Institute and broadcast this evening (Monday) on Channel 14 shows that the stable trend in the right-wing bloc continues – and Netanyahu’s bloc receives 62 mandates. The center-left-Arab bloc also remained with 58 mandates, without the possibility of forming a government.

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The full results:

Likud led by Netanyahu with 34 seats, unchanged from the previous poll. So too is Atid led by Yair Lapid – which remains stable, but far behind with 23 mandates.

The state camp led by Benny Gantz – with 12 mandates, is down by one mandate from the previous poll. The religious Zionism and Jewish power of Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben Gabir, in the background of the exposure of the Smotrich tapes against Netanyahu last night, is stable – with 12 mandates.

Shas led by Aryeh Deri is also unchanged with 9 mandates, Torah Judaism led by Yitzhak Goldknopf with 7 mandates.

Yisrael Beitenu led by Avigdor Lieberman with 6 mandates, Meretz led by Zehava Galon strengthens its mandate and rises to 5 mandates, Labor led by Merav Michaeli with 4 mandates. Hadash and Ta’al also remain with 4 mandates, along with Ra’am, which closes the list – also with 4.

The parties that do not pass the threshold: Balad with 2%, the Jewish Home led by Ayelet Shaked with 1.9%, Abir Kara’s Economic Freedom with 0.4%, Yaron Zelicha’s Economic Party with 0.2% and Hadar Mokhtar’s Burning Youth with 0.2%.

And who do they think is most suitable to serve as prime minister? 50% answered Benjamin Netanyahu, 37% answered Yair Lapid and 13% answered that it was the Gantz sons.

The sample was conducted by Shlomo Filber and Zuriel Sharon through Direct Polls LTD for Channel Now 14, on October 24, 2022, among 1,084 sampled adults (18+) who are a representative sample of the entire population in Israel. The statistical sampling error – 4.2% +-.

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