DIRECT. Reshuffle: the hand “continues to be extended to the opposition”, assures Véran

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Darmanin defends the presumption of innocence at all costs

“The public trial against Coquerel is very hard for him”, reacts Gérald Darmanin on RMC-BFMTV. “You have to listen to the words of women, but the trials do not go on Twitter”, he still judges. “The presumption of innocence is the foundation of a democracy and that applies to everyone,” insists the Minister of the Interior.


The receipt for checks, a “distrust of the police”

On the subject of police checks on facies, “we must stop general suspicion” against the police, believes Gérald Darmanin, on RMC-BFMTV, in relation to the conclusions of the Defender of Rights on the subject. “A priori, the policeman or the gendarme, because he wears the uniform, you have to trust him. The receipt (after a check, as is done for example in the United Kingdom), it is a form of defiance against the police and the gendarme”


At the Saint-Avold power plant

Eight days ago, the government said it wanted to restart the coal-fired power plant in Saint-Avold (Moselle), closed since March 31. “The coal-fired power plant operated last winter, recalls Agnès Pannier-Runacher, Minister for Energy Transition. Our carbon energy is less than 1% of our energy. In Germany it is 25%. The plant will be put on alert, my challenge is that it operates at a minimum next winter, on the other hand it is also my role to provide the maximum energy when we need it, ”she justifies on FranceInfo.


Attachment of the Overseas Territories portfolio justified

The Ministry of the Interior is that of “institutions and elections, not just security”, justifies Gérald Darmanin on the subject of the attachment of the Overseas Territories to the Ministry of the Interior, on RMC-BFMTV. He also announces that he will travel to New Caledonia on July 26 with Jean-François Carenco, Minister Delegate.


Pannier-Runacher on the departure of Abad and the maintenance of Zacharopoulou

“The presumption of innocence, we respect it. The media court is dangerous for our democracy. On the other hand, he could no longer exercise his functions in a serene manner”, “a certain number of testimonies deserve to be taken into account, estimates on France Info, about Damien Abad, Agnès Pannier-Runacher. Conversely, Chrysoula Zacharopoulou, Secretary of State for La Francophonie, targeted by complaints for rape, was kept in government. “What he is accused of is not having explained gestures in the context of a medical examination. I believe that we are not quite in the same situation, ”explains the Minister for Energy Transition. But “the Prime Minister does not minimize this situation”.


The RN and LFI “are enemies” for Darmanin

“What is not going very well for the government is not having an absolute majority,” said Gérald Darmanin, Minister of the Interior, on RMC-BFMTV. “None of the opposition groups wanted to form a coalition, it is very regrettable, but it is normal for the Prime Minister to be able to present her texts and see if the oppositions are willing to act for the well-being of the French people”, he judges. There are “no very profoundly different ideas between the LR group and ours”, he pleads. The RN and LFI “are enemies (…) we do not have to discuss or negotiate” with them.


Bompard refuses to compare the Abad and Coquerel cases

“To put on the same level” the accusations against Damien Abad and those against Eric Coquerel “is to show glaring bad faith”, insists Manuel Bompard, LFI deputy. “Which does not mean that situations of sexual harassment, if proven, are problematic”, nuances the elected official on Europe 1. “I am not saying that I do not believe” the word of Sophie Tissier, assures- he.


Chenu on the reshuffle

Sébastien Chenu evokes a “satisfaction”: Olivier Véran “was the worst cast for relations with Parliament. He considers that the deputies of LFI and the RN are not Republicans. He sat down several times on the freedoms of the French, we saw it during all the debates, ”advances the RN deputy from the North, without saying that Parliament has voted for the containment measures. “He remained an old sectarian socialist militant. He is very docile, he will carry the good word morning, noon and evening. We are pleased that Franck Riester, a man of restraint, who considers his colleagues in the same way, arrives there”, he welcomes on Public Senate.


“A form of contempt”

There were obviously not many volunteers to join the government team, ”said Manuel Bompard, LFI deputy for Bouches-du-Rhône, on Europe 1. “It is not like the intentions announced by Emmanuel Macron the day after the legislative elections, ”he judges. “There is a form of contempt for the voice of voters” in not having confidence in the general political speech before the National Assembly. “We can both propose a roadmap and make proposals on purchasing power,” says the elected official. “We consider that it is legitimate for Parliament to be able to vote after the speech” by Elisabeth Borne, hence LFI’s desire to table a motion of censure directly.


Health and education among the priorities

“We are going to control the rate at which the expenditure of the ministries increases, but some will increase more quickly than the others”, in particular in “health and education”, which are part of the “priorities fixed by” the President of the Republic for this five-year term, explains Gabriel Attal on RTL.


“We are the opposition,” says Chenu (RN)

“We were not going to participate in a government while we are fighting the policy of Emmanuel Macron”, estimates, on Public Senate, Sébastien Chenu, deputy of the North RN and vice-president of the Assembly. We are the opposition. We will oppose brutal policies or deconstruction of the country, but we will propose each time. It is important to make the French understand that there is not just one way. LFI wants to overturn everything, it’s the fantasy of the Grand Soir, we want to break it, file motions of censure… It’s useless to break the institutions when we can perhaps make things move forward, ”says he.


“Go to the essential” by avoiding the vote of confidence

For Gabriel Attal, the important thing is rather to find agreements with the opposition “on purchasing power” rather than “to make a vote of confidence (on the speech of general policy) when we do not have absolute majority”, pleads the Minister Delegate in charge of Public Accounts. “This allows us to go to the essentials”, he judges on RTL, considering that with its motion of censure already announced, France Insoumise “wants to constitute a blocking minority”.


Situations too different to be compared, according to Véran

We must “not compare what is not comparable”, between Damien Abad and Eric Dupond-Moretti or Chrysoula Zacharopoulou. “We cannot compare these situations,” judge Olivier Véran on France Inter, believing that Damien Abad could no longer work calmly.


“Individual poaching is useless”

“The hand has been extended and continues to be extended to the opposition”, assures Olivier Véran, but “it will be rather text by text”. “Individual poaching is over, it is useless”, pleads the spokesperson about the reshuffle, which does not include a figure of the oppositions. “It is not necessary” to ask for the confidence of the National Assembly, he also affirms.


The general policy discourse, an “introduction to the subject”

“This is the real introduction of the government”, explains Olivier Véran on France inter, the new government spokesperson, about Elisabeth Borne’s general policy speech expected on Wednesday.

“There is no message” behind the fact that the Overseas Territories are attached to the Ministry of the Interior and do not have a full-fledged ministry, he assures.


Attal reacts to reshuffle

“The important thing is to have ministers at their post (…) who can seek to implement the policy of the President of the Republic” but also to “convince parliamentarians to adopt the texts which constitute the main priority of the French”, pleads Gabriel Attal on RTL, about the reshuffle unveiled on Monday.


Purchasing power, the first subject for the government

A first meeting with part of the brand new government team must take place at 10 a.m. at the Elysée. On the menu for discussion: purchasing power, energy and public finances.


Who goes in, who goes out, who stays?


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Welcome to this new direct, devoted to a still rich political news, the day after the government reshuffle.

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