DIRECT. War in Ukraine: Washington opens the door to negotiations on the contours of the country

by time news

3089 armored vehicles repaired in combat zones

Over the past year, repair teams have restored 3,089 Ukrainian armored vehicles, including more than 1,500 heavy armored vehicles and the same number of light vehicles, directly in combat zones. Some equipment has been repaired 5-6 times.

Russia trains troops in Belarus for practical and political reasons

According to the British Ministry of Defence, Russia likely redeployed at least 1,000 troops who had trained at the Obuz-Lesnovsky training ground in southwest Belarus. Russia left the tent camp in place, suggesting it plans to continue the training program.

According to London, the fact that Moscow resorted to training its personnel under the much less experienced Belarusian army shows how seriously Russia’s “special military operation” has disrupted the training system of the country. Russian army. Russia likely also sees Belarus’ continued indirect support for the operation as an important political message.

Swedish parliament backs new military aid program for Ukraine

The Swedish parliament has just backed the government’s proposal to grant new military aid to Ukraine of 630 million euros.

Three dead after the bombing of a “point of invincibility” in the Donetsk region

A Russian missile fell last night on an “invincibility point” in Kostiantynivka, in the Donetsk region. According to the attorney general’s office, three women who were displaced from Bakhmout, Chasiv Yar and Opytne died under the rubble. Two other people suffered more or less serious injuries.

Fortifications in Russia’s Kursk region worth $42.1 million

Russia is building border fortifications in the Kursk region. The work is to be completed by June 5 this year. 42.1 million dollars will be spent, equivalent to one third of the annual health budget in Russia.

Denmark asks Nord Stream to help recover an object found near the gas pipeline

Denmark asks Nord Stream to help recover an object found near the gas pipelineCopenhagen has invited the Nord Stream consortium to participate in the recovery of a cylindrical object found near the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, six months after the sabotage operation against pipelines in the Baltic Sea.

The object which has not been identified but does not constitute a security risk according to the agency.

US diplomacy does not rule out future negotiations on Ukraine’s borders

The head of American diplomacy, Antony Blinken, opened the door to possible negotiations on the contours of Ukraine, while reiterating that it will be up to the Ukrainians to decide.

Speaking before a parliamentary committee in Washington, he reaffirmed that any eventual peace with Russia must be “just and lasting”, that is to say that it must respect the independence and territorial integrity of the country. , but “how it is defined precisely on the ground, we expect Ukrainians to tell us”.

He thus seemed to endorse the fact that the Ukrainians would find it difficult to recover all the territories annexed by Russia, in particular Crimea. “I think there are going to be territories in Ukraine that the Ukrainians will be determined to fight for on the ground, and maybe territories that they decide they will have to try to recover by other means.”

Zelensky asks Europeans for missiles and combat planes

From the region of Kherson (south), the Ukrainian president called on Thursday, via videoconference, the European leaders meeting at the summit in Brussels, to provide him with missiles and combat planes. Zelensky further called for new sanctions against Russia, progress on his country’s EU membership and progress on his peace plan.

EU to try to find Ukrainian children kidnapped by Russia

The EU will organize a conference to locate Ukrainian children kidnapped by the Russians and bring them back to their country, Ursula Von der Leyen announced Thursday evening. “In partnership with the Ukrainians, (Polish) Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and I have launched an initiative to repatriate these children abducted by Russia. For this we will organize a conference (…) we want to exert international pressure so that all possible measures are taken to find the trace of these children, ”she said.

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