Director. Biotech reveals symptoms of monkey pox patients in the media. Infected with severe strains Reiterate that the symptoms are now lighter.

by time news

Director. Biotech reveals symptoms of monkey pox patients in the media. A person infected with a severe strain reiterate that the current strain has milder symptoms

Dr. Anan Chongkaewwatana, virologist Director of Animal Health and Management Innovation Research Group National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (Biotech) posted a photo. With a message via private Facebook “Anan Jongkaewwattana” stated that “the skin symptoms of smallpox patients in many countries today are quite different from the pictures used in the media. Understand that it may be a picture taken from a textbook (Textbook) or from the source of smallpox monkeypox epidemic in Africa. which can be a virulent species in Central Africa This is different from the less severe species found today. Personally, I think that in addition to creating unnecessary panic. May not be useful for disease surveillance In cases where I have never encountered symptoms similar to the ones we communicate with now

The actual symptoms are from an Australian patient published in the journal. Eurosurveillance The appearance of blisters on the skin is quite evident. This is consistent with the images published in many previous countries. which should be a picture that is used to communicate more

Smallpox is an animal-to-human disease caused by a virus. The same family as the smallpox virus, which has two strains, the Central African strain and the West African strain. The Central African species is the one that is reported to be transmitted from person to person.

after infection The virus is in the lymph nodes. It takes 7-21 days to incubate and show symptoms, with symptoms beginning with a fever. and enlarged lymph nodes for 1-2 days, resulting in a rash, the patient will be able to spread the infection to others since he has a fever The rash begins with sores in the mouth. After that, a rash begins to appear on the body, face, palms and soles of the feet. The rash is 2-10 millimeters in size. Over the next 2-4 weeks, the rash gradually changes from a red rash to a blister, then an abscess. The rash will change form at the same time all over the body after the pustules crack until they dry well. The patient will get better. and expired to spread to others

The World Health Organization has now reported more than 700 cases of monkey pox worldwide.

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