Director-General of the Department of Disease Control warns to be careful! Dengue fever, 3 dead, covids found

by time news
Director-General of the Department of Disease Control warns to be careful! Dengue fever, 3 dead, covids found

March 20 Dr. Opas Karnkawinpong, MD. Director-General of the Department of Disease Control Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) gave an interview about the disease that must be monitored when entering the summer that As the summer approaches, there are still diseases that need to be monitored, including: digestive disease that food is spoiled, perishable and easily spoiled diarrhea Heatstroke or heat exhaustion Because the body is exposed to sunlight for a long time, dehydration, especially the elderly. People who work outdoors must be warned to be careful. because it may die

“During this period, we are starting to have more signs of dengue hemorrhagic fever deaths. Last year, a total of 6 dengue cases died, but inThis year, just three months later, three dengue cases have died, including dengue hemorrhagic fever along with COVID-19. Get some medicine from the pharmacy buy some medicine It belongs to a class of drugs known as NS. If the former was aspirin, an instant drug, these drugs cause bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. and die We have to be careful and keep alerting,” said Dr. Opas.

Dr Opas said that now most people are interested in the COVID-19 disease. So much so that dengue hemorrhagic fever is neglected, although the mortality rates of these two diseases are similar. Dengue fever can be cured. There will be different symptoms of disease such as dengue fever, high fever.

“But dengue fever in our country is endemic. it is with us It can be infected any day, so it is more important to pay attention and remember that we may be infected. Because most of the people who have died is that they do not think it will be. But when I met him, his symptoms were already serious,” said Dr. Opas.

The reporter further reported that Department of Disease Control has published weekly prognosis and health disasters, No. 7/2565, indicating that from the surveillance of the Department of Disease Control. Dengue fever situation in 2022 from January 1 to February 9, found 305 cases, 2 deaths, an increase of 112 cases from the previous week. The most common age group was 5-14 years old, followed by Down, aged 15-24 years, the province with the most cases is Bangkok. The factors affecting the mortality of dengue hemorrhagic fever patients include congenital disease. and exposure to NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs).

expected inDuring this period, there is an opportunity to see more dengue fever patients in every region across the country. due to rain in many areas causing waterlogging in containers and materials It is a breeding ground for mosquito larvae. which is the cause of dengue hemorrhagic fever Most of the patients found during this period were school-age children. But those who are infected with dengue fever and are at risk of death are the elderly. Groups of people with chronic illnesses and those who are overweight

The Department of Disease Control therefore asks for cooperation from the people to explore the water sources that are breeding grounds for mosquitoes around the house according to the measures “3 keep, prevent 3 diseases”, namely 1. Keep the house clean. There is no dense area for mosquitoes to stay on the island. 2. Collect garbage around the house. Collect unwanted waste containers in a black bag and tie the bag. and dispose of them in the trash. so as not to be a breeding ground for mosquitoes and 3. to collect water, water containers for consumption The lid must be completely closed. Wash unused containers upside down. and change the water in the pots or vases weekly. Put sand to get rid of larvae or let the fish eat larvae in a container that can’t be closed. Prevent Aedes from laying eggs. and focus on preventing mosquito bites by applying mosquito repellent and sleeping in mosquito nets which can prevent 3 diseases which are 1. Dengue fever 2. Zika virus infection 3. Fever, joint pain, mosquitoes or Chikungunya disease

If people have symptoms such as fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat, shortness of breath, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, which may resemble many diseases influenza, dengue fever and COVID-19 Ask the people to wear masks 100%, take 1-2 days of fever-reducing medication by choosing to take paracetamol fever medication. Avoid taking NDS, such as ibuprofen, aspirin, or diclofenac pain reliever. Because if a fever from dengue hemorrhagic fever These drugs are irritating to the gastrointestinal tract, making treatment more difficult and at risk of exacerbating the condition. If taking the drug and symptoms do not improve to see a doctor In order to get a diagnosis, find out the cause of the disease and receive further treatment. For more information, please contact the Department of Disease Control hotline at 1422.

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