Director Yarin Kimor: “My dream is to slow down without losing the spark”

by time news

If you look ahead, you can grow old without being old,” says Yarin Kimor, one of the unconventional characters who used to be on the background of Channel One, and is now a sought-after lecturer on creative thinking, who recently celebrated his 70th birthday. “Instead of being full of self-confidence and saying that I know-it-all, when I’m still learning, I maintain the necessary modesty, knowing that I still have room to develop. Thus, instead of drinking tea at the pensioners’ club and playing checkers there with my friends, by the way saying that I’ve already done my part and what I need to know – I know, I deal mainly with things That I don’t know. It makes me be on my toes intellectually, emotionally and experientially.”

In moving from television to lectures on creative thinking, did you reinvent yourself?
“No. Creativity was a candle to my feet in my television work. But studying the subject in depth brought together things that I already had and led me to give lectures, where I teach the listeners to be more creative. To illustrate my point, I am using a magician who I was and still am with magic that challenges our reality. This does not contradict the seriousness of the messages, with which people go home.”

So far

Kimor is originally from Haifa, the son of the oceanographer Prof. Baruch Kimor and the playwright and poet Esther-Emma Kimor. “At the age of 13, I was chosen to play in the play ‘Peter Pan’ at the Haifa Theater,” he says. “I had out-of-this-world fun flying through the halls next to Gila Almagor, whom I remember ever since as an inspiring actress. However, my parents were not carried away by my enthusiasm and were not impressed by the salary of the ten pounds I brought in from each play. When I was about to audition for another play, they told me ‘Enough!’, after the pleasure caused my grades to deteriorate at school. So I retired from the stage on a high, which I probably reached too soon. When I had the opportunity to serve in a military band, I preferred service My battle in Golani. It almost cost me dearly in the Yom Kippur War, when a Syrian MiG plane dived on me, and I didn’t even know the difference between a MiG and a Mirage.”

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When Kimor was released, he studied sociology, international relations and anthropology at the Hebrew University. To make a living, he moved between different jobs, including a policeman. One day his mother noticed an ad for a journalism course on television. “That’s how I unintentionally became a sports reporter,” he testifies. “But you don’t have to make an effort to remember my unforgettable broadcast from the fields. I tried to broadcast a game, and it wasn’t a great success. I realized that it’s better for me to go the documentary direction in sports with all the dramas behind the scenes, Including revelations about the massacre of the athletes in the Munich Olympics and the elimination of the terrorists, since until then it was obscure and based on foreign sources. Among other things, I interviewed Abu Dawud, the planner of the massacre of the athletes in Munich, in Rabat Ammon. He completely denied his involvement in it, but unfortunately he ran into someone that he knew every grain of information about him.”

According to him, it took him a while until he was finally convinced that he belonged on television. Along the way, he completed an insurance agent course, “which did not lead me to sell even one life insurance policy.” He was also involved in accompanying trips until he found his place in the Diamond Building of the First Channel, among other things in the programs “Tazfit” and “Chalbotek”, also as a correspondent for affairs Education and editor of “Mbat Shani”.

Yarin Kimor Shimon Peres interview (photo: private photo)

On the way to his specialization in directing series and documentaries, Kimor broke into a career as a magician at the age of 35 and went to shows under the nickname “Yirini the Magician”. “I know how to transfer energies, divine thoughts and of course also bend spoons, which is not an exclusive patent of Uri Geller”, he says. “But the basic truth is that I don’t have a quarter more strength than any normal person.”

About his magic shows in the past for children, Kimor says: “Usually a performance in front of 30 little ones is scarier than making a movie, which is seen by three million viewers. Because they have no excuses and I don’t envy those who fail in front of them.”

It seems that you, the respected director, are unable to quit this field.
“For what to wean? Just this week I bought magicians’ equipment for NIS 4,000. What are the chances of me using it? Almost zero! If anything, maybe with a charm worth $30, at most. If I ask if it was worth investing NIS 4,000 for this, I will answer that if it suits me, it is worth everything, when I find a needle in a haystack.”

One of the highlights of his activity as a documentary director was “The Avengers”, a seven-part series about the elimination of Nazis around the world by Jews after World War II. “Sometimes luck doesn’t hurt in these things,” he says. “Before that they didn’t talk about their actions, and after that, even if they wanted to, they couldn’t anymore. I caught them at will, when they were still lucid, and I dubbed them in the places where the assassinations were carried out, including raising the dilemmas of extrajudicial killings.”

In his films there is a lot of curvature to touch on secret topics. Among them was “The Spy Who Returned to the Frost”, about Viktor Greiwski, the Jewish journalist from Poland, who smuggled to Israel Khrushchev’s secret speech against Stalin, which was at the time a sensational world revelation. “‘This is what brought me years later to perestroika,’ he revealed to me Gorbachev, when I later interviewed him,” says Kimor. “In front of him, the one who dismantled a superpower like the Soviet Union, I felt as if I had touched history.”

In another of his films, “Sealed Lips”, Kimor brought a rare look into the insides of the Mossad, when he voiced some of the heads of the organization for generations, led by Yitzhak Khofi, as well as heads of departments in the Mossad. “The more senior they are, they speak freely, of course without revealing state secrets.”

Despite everything, for him, what he considers the “greatest achievement of my life” is “not one of the TV movies I made, but the ‘roller’ of the spaces,” he says. The days are on different fronts. When they came to inform their mother at Kibbutz Kfar Menachem, she asked which one they were, and they answered: ‘Both of them.’ When my film about them came out, another bereaved mother protested and asked if the fact that her second son was alive wasn’t good enough for television? So I turned to the management And I suggested that on Memorial Day, the names of all the martyrs of Israel’s systems be put on a roller against the background of Hebrew songs and the flowers of the land. This expresses the recognition and appreciation of the state to all the fallen without discrimination. Unfortunately, the roller gets longer from year to year.”

soft belly

Kimor recently came out with “Know the Enemy”, a two-episode mini-series, broadcast on Channel 8 in Hot, which reveals the operating methods of “Caesaria”, the Mossad’s operations unit, and the character of its first commander, Yoszka Yariv.

Also, he was behind the documentary “Heavyweight Battle 2000”, about gastric bypass surgery. Kimor, who at one point weighed 135 kilos, mobilized his self-humor in the film to commemorate the surgery he underwent. “The film exposed the soft stomach Literally mine,” he says. “After all, Fellini once said that in order to be maximally objective, one must also be maximally subjective while touching personal feelings.”

Kimor is currently in a relationship with the artist Irit Ronan, whom he defines as “the love of my life.” The two live together in Ramat Gan. He has three books on his balance sheet. “My dream is to rein in the galloping horses, which have been my life, and slow down without losing the twinkle in my eyes,” he says. devour her.”

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