Disability, the House’s first ok to the delegated bill: release unanimously

by time news

First ok of the classroom Camera to the draft law delegation to the Government in matters of disability, approved unanimously by the 379 deputies present for the vote. “With the first ok of the Chamber to the delegation bill, today the step towards a virtuous path is marked, which sanctions a different approach to the world of disabilities, with measures designed starting from the person, in his fullness of desires, ambitions, relationships”, he said the Minister for Disabilities Erika Stefani.

“We set today – added Stefani – an important moment for the recognition of a cardinal principle from which we can never derogate: self-determination of the person in building their own autonomous life path. The legislative ‘framework’ that has been set up today – with the important contribution of Parliament – marks an element of civilization that will positively and structurally affect future decisions. In this sense, today a new beginning is founded in the field of Disability policies. In particular, I thank the speakers, all the political forces and associations in the world of disabilities who have cooperated in this historic result, another brick which – after the passage to the Senate – can become law and will place Italy among the countries in the vanguard in compliance with the UN Convention “.

Even the Speaker of the House Roberto I am he wanted to comment: “The unanimous vote on the delegated law on disability is an important signal: Montecitorio has just approved the provision which is now being examined by the Senate. The world of disability needs answers and this is a step in the right direction, ”he wrote on Twitter.

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