Disappearance of Héléna in Brest: a new search of the suspect’s home

by time news

Investigations to find the trace of Héléna Cluyou, who has disappeared in Brest (Finistère) since January 29 after an evening spent in a nightclub, are continuing in all directions, on the ground as well as in cyberspace, without decisive progress for the moment. This Tuesday, February 7 in the morning, a new search was carried out in the apartment of the main suspect, Sylvain L., 36, located in the Europe district. The investigators seized numerous objects and clothes in order to highlight possible DNA and biological traces of the missing person, even traces of their owner’s blood.

Hospitalized after a first suicide attempt on Friday, then admitted to intensive care after a second attempt by asphyxiation, Sylvain L. appears as the main suspect, but his still extremely worrying state of health does not allow him to be questioned. Investigators from the Brest judicial police therefore only have the beginnings of a confession made to his brother and his sister-in-law, whom he had called to his aid on Friday.

Has he confided in other people in the past five days? This is what the police are currently trying to determine by interviewing many people, including simple Facebook friends. Faiza (the first name has been changed), girlfriend of Sylvain L., placed in police custody last weekend before being released, was again questioned, this time as a simple witness.

Burned-out gray Kia

Only in her twenties, she had left Sylvain L. at the beginning of January after an episode of domestic violence. She therefore no longer lived in recent weeks in the apartment that the couple had occupied since last summer, in the district of Europe. However, it is with her and another man that Sylvain L. would have spent the beginning of the fateful night before finding himself alone.

The following days, Faiza was again seen in the stairwell of this four-story HLM building. But where was Sylvain L. at the same time and what was he doing? On Wednesday, this 30-year-old would have made a very brief appearance at his home, then would have left behind the wheel of his gray Kia. This vehicle was set on fire the next day as if its owner had wanted to remove compromising traces.

Could it have been used to hide and then transport Helena’s body? Would Sylvain L. have accidentally collided with the young woman who was only a kilometer from her grandmother’s home at the place where the investigators lost track of her? Unless she voluntarily boarded Sylvain L.’s car before the situation escalated. In a daze after taking massive medication on Friday, the young man repeated over and over that he had committed “something stupid” and that “it was an accident”.

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