Disappeared: Fewer and fewer colorful cars on the roads (video) 2024-08-05 15:40:02

by time news

When buying a car, customers make decisions based on many different aspects. There are those who are interested in technical features, fuel consumption, the number of kilometers traveled, or even extras. However, there are also buyers who consider the appearance, and many still consider the color of the car to be the deciding factor. After that, we did a bit of research to see what trends prevail today in terms of the color of cars, and we came up with some interesting information!

There is an interesting change in the colors of the rears
Photo: Instacar

Are the colors disappearing from the roads?

Instacar, which provides free vehicle inquiries, examined the data of more than 1 million cars checked through its application by year of manufacture and color. While the majority (56%) of cars manufactured in the 90s are colored, this percentage has dropped to a fraction of the cars manufactured in the last ten years. Half of the cars produced in the 90s were blue (20%), red (16%), or green (14%), but several thousand were also produced in purple, which has since almost completely disappeared.

Disappeared: Fewer and fewer colorful cars on the roads (video)
2024-08-05 15:40:02
Clearly, less loud colors dominate
Photo: Facebook/Illustration

Now black, white and gray dominate

“In the previous decades, the trend has apparently changed a lot. In the last ten years, three out of four cars (76%) are black, white or gray; and only one in four (24%) received a different color,” said János Pintye, founder of Instacar. Blue is still popular, although its share has halved compared to the 90s (9%). Only about every twentieth (6%) car gets red paint. Green, although it is becoming popular again, still only represents 2%. A third of the cars manufactured in 2024 – inspected – are gray (34%), a quarter are white (26%), followed by black with 16%. Almost every tenth car is blue (9%), and every twentieth is red (5%) or green (5%).

Instacar is building a service system supported by artificial intelligence that can collect, organize and make data related to used cars available for general use, make it transparent and facilitate the sale and purchase of used cars and the use of related services, speeding up, simplifying and making it safer. administration. The application operated by him calculates the estimated market value for passenger cars that have been put on the market for no more than 22 years, for the most common 582 types that change hands in Hungary.

Is there a correlation between his number?

Monash University analyzed data from around 850,000 accidents to find out which car color is the safest and found that white cars have the lowest risk of accidents. Compared to white cars, black cars are 12% more likely to have an accident during the day and 47% more likely at night and in poor visibility. Red, blue and gray colors also represent a 7-11% higher risk compared to the safest white. The color of the vehicle is therefore not only an aesthetic issue, but also a safety issue, which is worth paying attention to when buying a used car.

2024-08-05 15:40:02

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