Disappointment for Yoaz Handel: the decision regarding the cellular reform was postponed

by time news

The decision was postponed: The High Court of Justice announced today (Thursday) its decision regarding the petition against the cellphone reform led by Communications Minister Yoaz Handel. According to the decision, the decision on the matter will be postponed until at least January-February 2023. This is a disappointment to Handel, who tried to advance the reform, despite the fierce struggle of The ultra-orthodox in it.

Yoaz Handel at the London conference. Photo: The Jerusalem Post

The reform that the Minister of Communications tried to promote was supposed to break up the monopoly that dominates the kosher cell phone market, facilitate switching between companies, allow for a variety of programs for filtering content on cell phones, and lower the prices of kosher devices. In response to Handel’s attempt, the chairman of Torah Judaism, Moshe Gafni, attacked him: “Communications Minister Yoaz Handel is trying to harm the lifestyle of the ultra-Orthodox public. I called two hours before the publication today that a group of rabbis wanted to talk to him – he refused to meet with them but only with me. I don’t want to meet him.”

He further added that “the man is a stuffed animal, corrupt to the core, no one like him should be a minister in the government. The man is arrogant and corrupt even in the past when he met with rabbis he didn’t even bother to put a kippah on his head. The elders of Israel decide whether there will be demonstrations, the possibility came up before the elders of Israel and did not leave the chapter.” .

In response to the attacks by the ultra-Orthodox, Handel previously said: “The role of a minister in the government is to make decisions, even when there are those who oppose it. The good of the state and not the good of a powerful group or sector. We are correcting today a consumer injustice that harmed about half a million customers in the ultra-Orthodox public and transfer the power from the businessmen to the consumers .

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