Disaster in Williamsburg: 71-year-old woman died in fire

by time news

Sad news from the USA with the passing of the important and righteous woman Mrs. Rakhil Breindel Teitelbaum, who was critically injured this week in a fire this week as a result of an electrical short in the Williamsburg neighborhood in Brooklyn, and she is 71 years old.

This week on Monday, a fire broke out in the residential building where she lived on Penn Street in Williamsburg, the fire and rescue forces found her in a critical condition and she was taken to the hospital in Staten Island where the doctors fought for an animal, many prayed for the healing of Rakhil Bryndil Bat Hinda, and even added the name ‘Altea’ to her as a medical virtue , but to protect her heart she passed away at her home.

The deceased is the daughter of the Rabbi Rabbi Moshe Halberstam zt’l, the Rebbe of Kiviashad, Her husband, Rabbi Lipa Teitelbaum, Rabbi of Beit Aharon.

She was privileged to be married to two rebbes of Satmer, as well as with the rebbes of Squirra, Rahmastrivka, Spinka and more.

Sons: Rabbi Leibush son-in-law Rabbi Aharon Mendel Tversak of Squirra, Rabbi Zvi Elimelech Teitelbaum, Rabbi Elazar Teitelboim son-in-law of the Rebbe of Satmar, Rabbi Yoel son-in-law of the HaHatz Abd Faye, Rabbi Aharon son-in-law Rabbi S. Y. Maizlish, Her son-in-law: Rabbi Chaim Arash Teitelbaum, son of the Rebbe of the Mahara of Satmar, Rabbi Aryeh Leibush Teitelbaum son of Rabbi Yosef Teitelbaum Rabbi Neafalmitz, Rabbi Shlomo Friedman son of his brother-in-law Rabbi Satmer ztzel, Rabbi Shimon Israel Meizlish son of Baal ‘Benin Hisher’ of Shafran ztzel, Rabbi Yaakov Yosef Weiss grandson of the Rebbe Maspinka Borough Park.

As I recall and as reported this week in ‘Bahaderi Haredim’, many fire brigades including many volunteers from a rescue organization were called to the Williamsburg neighborhood in Brooklyn on Monday morning following a fire that broke out in a 4-story building. There were 17 injured in various degrees, among them the deceased, whose condition was defined as critical. In addition, the Teitelbaum family’s entire house was damaged to the core, all the books of her great husband were burned and caught fire for the protection of every heart.

The funeral procession tonight (Thursday) at 21:20 New York time, from Beit Aharon Beit Midrash in Williamsburg to Beit Chaim in Kiryat Yoel Shem Titman in the old area.

May her soul be bundled in the bundle of life.

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