Disclosure of a famous nutritional supplement that strengthens immunity and increases fertility in men

by time news

Al-Marsad newspaper: There are many important minerals that the body needs, including zinc, so what are the benefits and harms of zinc pills? What is the recommended amount?

Zinc is an important base mineral in the human body, and its importance lies in particular in the immune system, as zinc deficiency increases the risk of various diseases and infections.

The body does not manufacture or store zinc, and depends on obtaining it from food and supplements.

Fish, meat, and poultry are rich sources of zinc, and medicinal zinc pills are available as dietary supplements at pharmacies. Everything you need to know about the benefits and harms of zinc pills is as follows:

Zinc pills benefits

Zinc is involved in the work of various functions in the body, it helps to activate at least 100 types of different enzymes, although the daily need of it is relatively small.

Zinc also plays an important role in the activity and functioning of the immune system, protein synthesis, wound healing, DNA synthesis and cell division. It also contributes to the complete development of the fetus during pregnancy, and has a role in the functioning of the senses of smell and taste, according to “Web Medicine”.

Here is a more detailed description of some of its benefits as follows:

1. Improving the work of the immune system The body needs zinc to activate T-cells (T-lymphocytes), which control and regulate the work of the immune system, and work to fight foreign bodies such as bacteria, parasites, viruses and cancer cells. According to a study that showed that the body’s lack of zinc increases the risk of infection with various microbes.

2. Reducing diarrhea Taking zinc reduces the duration and severity of diarrhea, especially in children in countries suffering from famine and malnutrition. Also, giving zinc in case of deficiency to women during pregnancy and even after birth reduces the chances of diarrhea in infants during their first year. The World Health Organization has recommended zinc for the treatment of acute diarrhea in children for a limited period as needed.

3. Improving learning and memory The results of research conducted at the University of (Toronto) showed that zinc has an important role in regulating the work and communication of neurons among themselves, which has a positive effect on memory and learning ability.

4. Treatment of colds Lozenges containing zinc have been shown to reduce the duration of cold symptoms in 40% of the cases studied. Zinc is also found in nasal sprays and nasal gels, but it is not recommended for long-term use because of its negative effects on the sense of smell, and in some cases, insomnia. 5. Accelerate wound healing In fact, the skin is one of the organs most in need of zinc. Zinc is commonly used in hospitals to treat burns and some skin ulcers and wounds, due to the role of zinc in the manufacture of collagen, and control of the immune response to inflammation that the body needs to repair the skin.

According to a study on the effect of zinc on wounds and wound healing, it was shown that the use of topical zinc stimulates cell renewal, reduces inflammation and bacterial growth.

But there are no studies to show the effect of zinc in cases of ulcer healing and chronic wounds.

6. Reducing the risk of chronic diseases Zinc reduces the risk of chronic diseases related to age, such as: pneumonia, and macular degeneration that affects the eye. Zinc works to prevent the breakage of cells in the retina and delays the development of the disease and loss of vision.

7. Getting rid of acne Acne is often associated with a lack of zinc in the body. Zinc can be used as pills or as a topical ointment to relieve acne and its effects. This is done by reducing acne inflammation, preventing the growth of acne-causing bacteria, and inhibiting the action of fat cells.

8. Increasing fertility in men A lot of studies and research have found a relationship between the body’s lack of zinc and the lack of sperm that leads to infertility. Zinc pills damage An increase in the zinc level is harmful to the body. The use of zinc pills for long periods without consulting a doctor is not allowed and may lead to zinc poisoning.

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