Discontent and Debate Over Christian Democrats’ EU Election Candidates: Sara Skyttedal vs. David Lega

by time news

Updated 20:43 | Published at 19:58

David Lega to Lead Christian Democrats in EU Elections, Dissatisfaction Over Sara Skyttedal’s Placement

In next year’s EU elections, David Lega will be leading the Christian Democrats. However, there is widespread dissatisfaction within the party regarding Sara Skyttedal not getting the first place on the list.

The party’s nomination committee chose to prioritize Lega over Skyttedal, which has sparked an internal debate. Aftonbladet has learned that several leading Christian Democrats are gearing up to fight for Skyttedal’s inclusion when the EU list is finalized.

“If it’s a sharp question, I know a lot of people who will vote for Sara,” says a source within the Christian Democrats.

Skyttedal, a rising star within the party, was notably absent from the recently presented top names for the European Parliament elections in 2024. Discontent with the decision has been growing, with many sources expressing their disappointment.

“Sara attracts votes from both the Moderates and the Sweden Democrats. David Lega does not take a single vote outside our party. It is very worrying,” says a concerned source.

Another party member in a central position echoes the sentiment, stating that many within the party miss Skyttedal’s presence, highlighting a “big void” in the list.

Adding to the controversy is a recently closed fraud investigation against David Lega. The European Anti-Fraud Office looked into Lega’s handling of money from the EU assigned to the assistants of the Christian Democrats’ top officials. The revelation of the investigation has significantly impacted the party’s perception of Lega as the top candidate.

“It risks becoming a debate that deals with fraud and disloyalty towards employees, instead of substantive politics, and that is life-threatening,” warns a top politician within the Christian Democrats.

Furthermore, doubts have risen about the fairness of the nomination process due to the absence of knowledge regarding the fraud suspicions against Lega at the time of the sample selection.

“If people had known about the situation with the fraud investigation, then I actually think that Sara would have won. All the facts were not on the surface when we made the sample selection,” claims a source, classifying the selection process as skewed and unfair.

Despite Skyttedal’s previous controversial stance on the legalization of cannabis, several sources within the party believe that Lega’s baggage weighs just as heavily, emphasizing the need for a fair debate focused on substantive politics.

On October 13, the Christian Democrats’ party council will finalize the electoral list for the 2024 election. It is anticipated that Sara Skyttedal will be discussed, as many individuals within the party are inclined to push for her to claim the first place.

“The Christian Democrats’ Youth Union, KDU, stands behind Sara Skyttedal as the top name on the Christian Democrats’ EU list,” says Chairman Stefan Sarmes. The association strongly believes that Skyttedal has been an effective representative, defending Swedish interests and pursuing a successful Swedish policy.

The Christian Democrats’ EU policy remains strong, but the absence of a clear vote magnet like Skyttedal is seen as a potential challenge for the party.

The dynamics within the Christian Democrats continue to evolve as the party strives to find the best path forward for the upcoming EU elections.

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