“Discover the Foods You Should Avoid to Prevent Premature Aging: Tips to Keep Your Skin Wrinkle-free and Healthy, According to Experts”

by time news

2023-04-26 13:45:37

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Von: Lea Warmedinger

Certain foods cause the skin to age faster. (Iconic image) © Westend61/Imago

If you look older than you are, you could be eating the wrong food. Beware of these foods that accelerate the aging process.

Hanover – Not only age, but also certain foods can be the reason why the skin becomes more wrinkled or the cells in the body age. Nevertheless, these foods are consumed by many people every day, mostly without knowing their exact effects. What you should know about the pitfalls of the foods that are making you look old.

Foods like agave nectar and alcohol cause wrinkled skin

Everyone should be aware that alcohol is not good for the body and its appearance. But wine, beer and hard alcohol can not only cause skin problems such as swelling or pimples. As the Oregon State University states in one report, the intoxicant depletes vitamin A levels. Since vitamin A is responsible for the growth of new skin cells, alcohol also causes more wrinkled skin. The ingredient in many anti-wrinkle creams called coenzyme Q10 is said to keep skin looking young.

You should also not be fooled by the supposedly perfect sugar alternative called agave syrup. Because even the syrup is actually nothing more than sugar. Like the fitness and health portal Fitbook explains, agave syrup consists of 90 percent fructose, which can only be broken down in the liver. There, the fructose is not only converted into fat, but also accelerates the breakdown of collagen.

Collagen is an essential component of the skin and gives the connective tissue strength and elasticity – and when this decreases, wrinkles appear more often. This effect is amplified by a liver overworked by drugs, sugar or alcohol.

Too much salt ages the skin prematurely and damages DNA

Salt also makes the skin dry and wrinkled. So if you care about a fresh appearance, you should urgently pay attention to your salt consumption. According to the German Society for Nutrition people in Germany consume almost twice as much salt as recommended. The effect: A permanently dehydrated body and thus dry and wrinkled skin.

Salt intake women:8.4 grams daily
Salt intake men:10 grams daily
Salt intake girls from 3 to 17 years:6.2 grams daily
Salt intake boys from 3 to 17 years:7.1 grams daily
Salt intake as recommended by the DEG:maximum 6 grams daily; about a teaspoon

But that’s not all that salt can do in the aging process. It accelerates aging as it is, according to the research platform EurekAlert The telomeres, i.e. the protective caps at the end of the chromosomes, are shortened. This damage is irreparable and also affects DNA. So if you eat a lot of salty foods and like to add salt from time to time, you should hold back a bit. However, there is also Foods that prolong life.

Coffee and meat also accelerate the aging process

Meat that has been roasted, grilled or deep-fried for too long also promotes the aging process. According to the United States National Library of Medicine This results in so-called Advanced Glycation End Eroducts (AGE). The dark or slightly burned areas on the meat thus promote inflammation, which in turn requires a lot of collagen. And the collagen loss has a corresponding effect on the aging process.

Attention coffee lovers: The caffeinated drink is also not harmless with regard to aging. Because the wake-keeper causes sleep problems if consumed too much or too late. Dark circles are then the lesser evil. Because studies have Fitbook according to proven that sleep deprivation accelerates the aging process. Like the journal The Journal of Pediatrics reported that even children age faster when they sleep poorly. The same goes for caffeinated energy drinks. However, there are also healthy and tasty ones Pick-me-up alternatives to coffee. (lea)

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