“Discover the Health Benefits of Raspberries: 6 Ingenious Properties Revealed by FITBOOK”

by time news

2023-05-12 11:17:00

Raspberries are a healthy feel-good fruit. What has science already found out about the pink fruits? FITBOOK reveals six ingenious properties.

In Germany, raspberries are in season from June to the end of July. Special varieties can be harvested well into autumn. Downside: they don’t like long storage times. Therefore, in summer it is best to buy directly from the producer or, at best, go pick it yourself in designated plantations. It’s cheaper and fun because you can snack on the healthy raspberries while they’re harvesting. When it comes to imported raspberries, it is better to rely on organic goods. In winter, frozen food in organic quality has proven its worth.

Raspberries protect against so-called common diseases

Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, obesity – raspberries seem to be a little fruit to combat typical common diseases. They pack several antioxidants, including vitamin C, quercetin, and ellagic acid. After all, nutritionists were able to prove in animal studies that raspberries and raspberry extracts can significantly reduce the risk of the diseases mentioned above.1 Ellagic acid also appears to have anti-cancer properties, as has been demonstrated in animal models and human cell cultures.2 Of course, raspberries cannot work miracles. You should also pay attention to a balanced diet and sufficient exercise.

Also interesting: The factor that favors 70 percent of all type 2 diabetes

Raspberries can relieve arthritis symptoms

Again, only animal studies provide the evidence, but they are promising: raspberries have been shown to reduce the symptoms of arthritis (inflammatory rheumatism associated with severe joint pain) in rats.3 What’s more, regular consumption of raspberries apparently lowers the risk of developing arthritis in the first place. And if it does, then the damage to the joints is significantly less than expected.

The suspected reason: Plant compounds block COX-2, an enzyme responsible for causing inflammation and pain. Results from human studies are still pending to fully confirm the effect on humans. But one can assume that the polyphenols contained in raspberries should also have a protective effect on the human organism.

Also interesting: Rheumatism – causes, symptoms and treatment

Raspberries give the skin a healthy glow

The much-praised raspberry antioxidants also have a decisive beauty effect. In order for skin to look firm, smooth, elastic and healthy, it needs to produce collagen. This works wonderfully at a young age, but with advancing age the body’s own collagen factory becomes a little more sluggish. Vitamin C provides the necessary fuel and a portion of raspberries (200 grams) provide a little more of the complete daily requirement.4 Appropriately enough, raspberries contain hardly any fructose (unfortunately, fructose promotes the formation of wrinkles), namely just 2.3 grams per 100 grams. Eating well has never been more delicious!

Also interesting: Raspberries are said to be able to replace painkillers – what’s the truth?

Raspberry ketone may help with weight loss

Never heard of raspberry ketone? Raspberry ketone is the component that makes raspberries smell like raspberries, i.e. their natural aroma. Studies (again, rodents had to be used) have shown that mice fed raspberries gain weight less quickly than mice that were given no fruit. Both groups of mice received an extremely high-fat diet.5 Accordingly, the weight loss industry has launched diet pills based on raspberry ketone. The consumer center justifiably considers such slimming products to be misleading.6 Don’t touch it! With the whole, fresh fruit you are always on the safe side and you get the most of the wonderful raspberry aroma.

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Raspberries are good for gut health

Raspberries are also so healthy because they contain a lot of fiber but few carbohydrates. One serving (200 grams) contains around 15 grams of fiber, which is half of the recommended daily 30 grams!4 Why are they so important? Dietary fibers ensure a pleasant feeling of satiety, keep the intestinal activity going, ensure healthy digestion and feed the microbiome. People with a healthy microbiome tend to be leaner, less prone to disease (including mental illness) and live longer than average (FITBOOK reported).

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Raspberries are always something special

Raspberries are simply something special! Even fruit grouches can seldom resist. They stand for long summer days, childhood in the garden, sun and light-heartedness. Sprinkle fresh raspberries on top of any fruit salad, muesli or dessert in a fun and delicious way. If you buy a bowl of raspberries, you are not only doing something good for your health, but also for your soul!


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