Discover Waddenliefde: A Glimpse into Susan Muskee’s Feelgood Series on Kek Mama

by time news

Meet Susan Muskee (31), feel-good author and Kek Mama columnist. In March, she welcomed her first child, Noortje, and last month she released her latest hit: the Waddenliefde series.

Exclusively on Kek Mama, you can read a preview. Before you start this part, read here part I, part II, part III, part IV, part V, and part VI.

Part VII

‘I wouldn’t be surprised if you say that to me on Sunday!’ Ed lets out a cheeky, confused laugh and then confides in me: ‘At least you’re not the first one to walk the route without the group, and this time you’re not the only one. Maybe those hikers have something to sort out as well.’ He straightens his shoulders and gives me a thick, almost fatherly wink. ‘Have you been to the island before?’

The times I was here with Jesse converge into one image. Unfortunately, that means Jesse appears in my mind, roaming the beach. I immediately feel a mix of melancholy and anger washing over me. I am not here to reminisce about my broken relationship. I need to think about the future, which is complicated enough.

Ed narrows his eyes as I still haven’t answered.

‘Yes, many times before,’ I quickly say. ‘But always in the same spots. That’s why I thought it would be a good idea to really get to know the island this time.’

‘You’ve chosen the best routes, Lisa.’ When a disarming smile breaks across Ed’s sun-kissed face, I can’t help but smile back. Then he pulls out a transparent sleeve with several brochures from under his clipboard. ‘All fun and useful information to read while walking,’ he says while extending the folder towards me. ‘You’re just a bit too early for the official kick-off where I’ll go over the weekend again, but you can find everything in the booklets as well.’

I take the brochures and quickly scan the contents. Everything is divided into stages, and each brochure features a photo of a typical Texel view: the lighthouse, a meadow with sheep, the dunes, and a row of houses that I think can be found in Oudeschild. ‘Thank you. That should be fine. Are there any other things I need to know?’

Ed lets his bag slide off his shoulder and unzips it. The little flag is still fluttering in the strong sea wind. ‘No, not many details. Make sure to apply sunscreen, eat and drink enough, remember not to feed the sheep… Oh, and I have a small welcome gift for you. The rest of the hikers will receive this this afternoon when we arrive in De Koog, but I’m making an exception for you.’ He pulls out a plastic bag containing real Texel sheep droppings from his backpack. It’s been a long time since I’ve had the soft, round candies, but I immediately remember how they taste.

‘These are for you.’

You will read more from the book on Kek Mama next week. Can’t wait? Treat yourself to a delightful summer series:

Discover Waddenliefde: A Glimpse into Susan Muskee’s Feelgood Series on Kek Mama

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Embracing Nostalgia and New Beginnings: Future Trends in Literature and Lifestyle

The recent surge in feel-good literature, showcased by authors like Susan Muskee, underscores a promising trend in the publishing industry. As readers increasingly seek solace and comfort in stories, we can anticipate a rise in narrative styles that blend nostalgia with modern themes. Muskee’s new Waddenliefde series encapsulates this blend, offering both a retreat to cherished memories and an exploration of the future.

Additionally, the heightened emphasis on personal connections and shared experiences in literature indicates an ongoing desire for community and belonging. Characters, like Lisa in Muskee’s writing, often navigate complex emotions related to past relationships while deliberately opening themselves to new possibilities. This theme resonates with many readers, reflecting broader societal shifts towards valuing emotional honesty and resilience.

Moreover, the integration of local culture, as seen with references to places like Texel, suggests a growing trend of regional storytelling. Readers are drawn to stories that offer a strong sense of place, emphasizing unique landscapes, traditions, and culinary experiences. We can expect future works to delve deeper into local color, inviting readers to not just escape, but to engage with the world in all its vibrancy.

As we look forward, activities like hiking and outdoor exploration may also see a resurgence in popularity, encouraged by the narratives that celebrate the healing nature of these experiences. With the charm of the outdoors frequently highlighted in literature, consumers may increasingly seek out experiences that mirror the serenity and connection found in these stories, further intertwining lifestyle trends with literary themes.

In essence, as nostalgia and new adventures entwine in literature, they will likely influence various aspects of lifestyle choices, fostering a culture that deeply appreciates both personal growth and shared journeys.

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