“Discursive Maromas”

by time news

2023-12-02 01:54:56

We are practically in sixteen months of a left-wing government that promised Colombians a change, a “Colombia, power of life” but, what we are seeing is a regime, the one that Álvaro Gómez Hurtado once spoke of when we suffered a government similar to the current one.

A regime, according to Gómez, very “complex, underlying the political, economic, social and cultural structures of the country.” Of course, one begins to see or analyze that sad time and compare it with now, because one reaches the sad conclusion that that old culture revived with “anything goes.”

Dr. Gómez Hurtado defined the regime “as a system of commitments and complicities that are dominating the entirety of civil life, recasting its fundamental objectives: peace, security, the neat management of public affairs and economic development.” Let’s add some Leninist reforms that will only make people’s lives worse.

Everything remains the same or worse. Poverty is growing because of taxes on everything, even the sausages or cookies that allow those at the bottom to half eat.

The gasoline increase, according to Mrs. Francia, was to be applied to the four thousand rich Colombians, but all Colombians carry the burden, since these increases affect everything else.

They threaten Colombia with ending the explorations, this being the hope that the government has the necessary resources to, at least, somewhat solve the “social justice” that they talk so much about but no, now they have come up with the “wise” idea of connect Ecopetrol with a Venezuelan pipeline so that dirty and heavy, unrefined fuel reaches us, with the purpose of giving a “lifeline” to a country like the one that has an unpayable foreign debt.

Possibly, this government will try to impose another tax reform project, to finish suffocating or suffocating us, achieving what they want so much: the economic decline that Mrs. Irene Vélez recently told us about, in addition to helping Inmaduro.

Christmas came to us in the midst of a hopeless slumber but, as they say, Colombians are resilient, despite the rivers of blood of real human beings, with the infinite pain of their families, which occur due to massacres and displacements of even soldiers from vulnerable regions. without the central government making a statement, because we had to ask God, despite the annoyance of atheists, to enlighten us.

The post “Maromas discursivas” appeared first on Diario Occidente.

#Discursive #Maromas

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