Discussion on Permit-Free Electricity Supply in Druze and Circassian Settlements in Israel.

by time news

A proposal to allow the supply of electricity to residential buildings without a permit in Druze or Circassian settlements came up for discussion today (Tuesday) in the Economic Committee. According to the bill, which is defined as a directive valid for two years, the Minister of Energy will be able, upon the recommendation of the local authority, to allow electricity connection for buildings that meet the required physical conditions.

“More than 10,000 homes in the Druze community are connected to electricity in a pirate way,” he said at the hearing The head of the Druze community, Sheikh Muafek Tarif. “They are also inhabited by fighters who are now fighting in Gaza or lying in ambush in the north. The plight of construction in the Druze settlements has been going on for decades, without practical solutions.” During the discussion, the heads of the Druze councils claimed that the government is to blame for the plight of planning and construction in the settlements.

“The governments of Israel have already admitted to the omission,” added Triff, “in 2014 it was determined that the planning in Druze settlements should be ended, and a Goren committee was established, but to this day there is no progress. We would have preferred building permits, but that is not in our hands, we need a temporary solution.”

Knesset member Ahmed Tibi (Hadash-Ta’al) claimed that even the illegal houses in the Arab settlements are entitled to be connected to electricity. “We want all the houses in the Druze settlements to be connected to electricity, but I also want equality for everyone. If this bill passes, we will have to appeal to the High Court for equality and of course we will win. But let’s go the royal way, so that they will be accepted in Taiba as well.”

Knesset member Ahmed Tibi. “If the proposal passes, we will go to the High Court and win” (Photo: Haim Goldberg/Flash90)

chairman of the committee, Member of Knesset David Bitan (Likud)said that there is priority for the Druze community, and offered to make the offer conditional only on buildings that have not been issued a demolition order.

“We come to help the Druze and Circassian community, we are not ashamed, said the initiator of the bill, Member of Knesset Ofir Katz (Likud)“The right to electricity is derived from the right to live in dignity. The state cannot ignore the plight, the injustice cannot continue in wartime. The proposal encourages the local authorities to submit a detailed plan.”

Other members of the Knesset expressed support for the proposal. Member of Knesset Hamed Amar (Israel Beitno)a member of the community: “It cannot be that a soldier or an officer fights for four months in Gaza and his house is not connected to electricity.” Member of Knesset Sasson Guetta (Likud) He commented on the consequences of the current situation: “Because there are illegal connections, the electric company is not prepared for a proper electricity supply, and then, on winter days, there is a load that causes prolonged power outages. The whole village suffers from this, not only those who are not connected.”

“We have houses with permits and Form 4 that are not connected because there is no electricity infrastructure,” he said The head of the Sajur local council, Jaber Hamud“We are not responsible for planning, the government has done nothing. I say to every Druze citizen who has private land, the state for 50 years has not expanded the outline – continue to build and make solar electricity and connect in a pirate way.”

Bitan responded to Hamud: “We do not intend to encourage illegal construction. We came to solve one problem and not to encourage another problem. You need to take care of your residents and not constantly blame the government, you also have a responsibility.”

The representative of legal advice at the Electric Company, Gershon Berkowitz, who did not receive permission for the hearing, burst out: “Right now the law is considered a dead letter and it will not be possible to implement it. Try to put one house together with this law. You will not succeed. We are in favor but we want it to be applicable.” MK Bitan did not allow him to complete his words and explain the reasons for his reservation.

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