Diseases that come with rain. This rainy season 65, be careful. The risks can be both adults and children.

by time news

5 diseases that come with rainy season The disease should be monitored by the Department of Disease Control. Risk of infection for both children and adults Prevention is better than cure. This rainy season 2022, be careful of these diseases.

During this period, it rained continuously without a break. In addition to bad weather, there aredisease caused by rainPlenty of them because this humid weather is a good breeding ground for germs. Let’s take a look at 5 diseases that tend to come with the rainy season. Know that to be careful and prevent disease. Do not be complacent because these diseases can infect both children and adults.


influenza It is considered the first surveillance disease announced by the Department of Disease Control in 2022. This disease is with us every year and almost every season. Influenza is a contagious disease. caused by influenza virus strains If caught, there will be cough, sore throat, runny nose, headache, body aches. But it will heal on its own within 3-4 days.

The best way to prevent influenza is to vaccinate against 4 strains of influenza annually.


During this period, many areas were flooded as a result of the continuous rain. Therefore, the next disease that should be very careful is leptospirosis or Leptospirosis. It is a disease that is transmitted from animals to humans. Caused by bacteria mixed in the urine of rats. When it rains, flooding, this germ flows together with the water. The infected person will have chills, high fever, headache and severe calf muscle pain.

The way to prevent leptospirosis is to avoid walking through flooded water. flooded area especially those with wounds on the legs and feet. Because of the risk of infection easily But if you need to walk in the water, wear boots.

disease caused by rain

conjunctivitis or conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis is another contagious disease caused by exposure. which cannot be underestimated Because the rain that falls, whether in Bangkok or other provinces, is not clean rainwater. It is full of pollution. risk of conjunctivitis virus infection The infected person will feel itchy and rub their eyes, leading to eye inflammation and infection. It is found mostly in children.

The way to prevent conjunctivitis is to be careful not to let raindrops get into your eyes. Try not to rub your eyes when you feel itchy. Should use clean water to wash the eyes.

Diseases that come with rainy season

Dengue fever

By 2022, the statistics of dengue hemorrhagic fever are expected to increase, possibly as high as 95,000. Dengue fever is transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes. Can be used by both children and adults The infected person will have high fever, loss of appetite, nausea, and red spots on the body, arms and legs. In severe cases, shock and death can occur.

The way to prevent dengue fever is to be careful not to be bitten by mosquitoes. Eliminate mosquito breeding grounds, such as stagnant tubs. Or spray mosquito repellent when outdoors in the evening.

disease caused by rain

hand, foot and mouth disease

Finally, hand, foot and mouth disease, which is another contagious disease. It is more likely in young children. especially during the rainy season But that doesn’t mean adults don’t have a chance to get infected. The infected person will have fever, mouth sores, and blisters on the body, palms and soles of the feet.

The best way to prevent hand, foot and mouth disease is to always take care of your hygiene. Avoid being close to the patient. Because this disease is contagious. Wash your hands before eating. after going to the bathroom and after touching snot or saliva

Diseases that come with rainy season

When you know how to prevent it, don’t forget to apply it as well. Because prevention is easier than cure. Being healthy is the best thing. Don’t forget to take care of your health too.

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