Disinfestation starts within a radius of 200 meters from the infected person’s home

by time news

FONTANELLE (TREVISO) – A case of Dengue fever, a tropical disease transmitted by mosquitoes, has occurred in the municipality. The disease manifested itself in a person returning from a trip abroad, about which, for privacy reasons, confidentiality is being maintained. Yesterday, the area where he lives was subjected to a widespread disinfestation treatment. The residents were greatly surprised, no one knew about the Dengue case.


“We were informed by the hygiene service of the Usl 2 company on Friday. They reported a case of Dengue, a disease transmitted by the tiger mosquito. This affected person showed symptoms upon returning from a trip abroad – says the mayor Maurina Sessolo – Fortunately, she was affected in a mild form, she was treated in hospital, everything was resolved, and she has already returned home. We, as a municipal administration, have arranged for disinfestation in order to eliminate the larval outbreaks within a minimum radius of 200 meters from the place where the case of contagion occurred – continues the mayor – The workers intervened yesterday”.


The men working on the disinfestation have aroused curiosity in the street, where no one knew about it. The street is quite long, with many houses. Dengue fever is transmitted by mosquitoes. The infection occurs when a mosquito bites a person already affected by Dengue and then goes on to bite another person, the insect is therefore the vector of the virus. Through disinfestation, mosquitoes are eliminated and therefore the possibility of contagion. Mayor Sessolo has issued the appropriate ordinance for the prompt carrying out of the operations. The disinfestation was included in the area close to Via Calstorta for a radius of 200 meters, including side streets. The aim is to strengthen the preventive fight against mosquitoes, acting mainly through the removal of larval outbreaks and adequate larvicidal and adulticidal treatments. In the ordinance, the mayor also expresses the usual recommendations for fighting the proliferation of mosquitoes. Therefore, avoid leaving stagnant water in outdoor containers, in flowerpot saucers, in uncovered tubs and containers. Use larvicidal tablets as much as possible to put in drains, drains and in places where it is not easy to access. Dengue manifests itself with symptoms such as fever, even very high, nausea and vomiting, acute headaches, pain around and behind the eyes. It is generally treated, but in weak subjects it can worsen, becoming Dengue hemorrhagic which can lead to death. A case of Dengue had manifested itself in Motta di Livenza at the end of July in a 45-year-old non-Italian woman returning from Cuba. The woman had been treated at home, the case was then resolved.

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