Disney VFX Crews File to Unionize, Following Marvel Studios’ Lead

by time news

Title: Walt Disney Pictures’ Visual Effects Crews Take Steps to Unionize

Walt Disney Pictures’ visual effects (VFX) crews have made a significant move towards unionization after filing with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) for an election to unionize. Over 80% of the 18 in-house VFX crew members at Walt Disney Pictures have signed authorization cards, expressing their desire to join a union.

This historical development marks the second time VFX professionals have united to demand the same protections and rights as their colleagues. Last month, VFX crews at Marvel Studios also voted to unionize, with the balloting process set to conclude on September 11 and the vote count scheduled for September 12.

In a statement, IATSE VFX organizer Mark Patch commended the courage of Walt Disney Pictures’ VFX workers, noting that their overwhelming support for change indicates that their campaign is not limited to one studio or corporation but is about uplifting VFX workers industry-wide.

IATSE International President Matthew D. Loeb described the determination of the VFX workers as groundbreaking, highlighting that their collective action represents a seismic shift in the industry and emphasizes the demand for dignity, respect, and fairness for all workers.

The unionizing VFX workers at Walt Disney Pictures are responsible for creating the visual effects seen in the studio’s extensive catalog, including popular films such as “Beauty and the Beast,” “Aladdin,” and “The Lion King.”

Since the field was pioneered during the production of the first “Star Wars” films in the 1970s and ’80s, VFX workers have remained non-union. However, the unionizing workers are now demanding fair compensation for all hours worked, adequate healthcare, retirement benefits, and the same rights and protections enjoyed by their unionized counterparts already represented by IATSE.

These demands align with the growing calls for improvements across the VFX industry, as revealed by IATSE’s 2022 VFX Worker Rate and Conditions Survey published earlier this year.

Following the filing, a labor board election is expected to take place within two to three weeks. If a majority of the workers vote in favor of unionization, the studio will be obligated to engage in good-faith negotiations for a contract covering the workers as a group.

This move by Walt Disney Pictures’ VFX crews signifies a major step towards better conditions and the recognition of their invaluable contributions to the film industry.

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