Disposable shaving set for multiple use in barber shops in Saudi Arabia fined 2,000 riyals

by time news

Riyadh Saudi Arabia, First Published Jan 13, 2022, 10:06 PM IST

Riyadh: The Ministry of Municipalities, Rural Affairs and Housing has announced a fee of 2,000 riyals for multiple use of disposable shaving sets in barber shops in Saudi Arabia. The law will take effect from Saturday. If the offense is repeated, the fine will be doubled and the shop will be closed for a week.

This rule applies to barber shops throughout the country. In the wake of Kovid, the ministry had earlier issued conditions to be complied with in barber shops across the country. Accordingly, health certificates were made mandatory for workers to prove their safety against infectious diseases. Only approved quality disposable shaving sets made of stainless materials and high quality paper towels should be used instead of cloth towels.

In Saudi Arabia, workers are fined for not having a health card

Riyadh: The Saudi Ministry of Urban, Rural Affairs and Housing has announced that employees of various businesses across the country will be fined 2,000 riyals (approximately Rs 40,000) if they do not have a health card. This is a card that checks the health status of the employees and proves that there is no problem and they are fit to work. Also known as the Baladiya Card, it is issued by the city council after a medical lab examination at a clinic to confirm that the patient is not.

The Baladiya card is mandatory for all public health workers, including those working in food stalls, restaurants and cafes, barber shop staff, cooks and domestic workers. If employees continue to work without this card, they will be fined by the respective establishments. The law will take effect from Saturday. The fine is 2000 riyals per worker. The fine will increase according to the number of workers without cars.

Last Updated Jan 13,2022 10:06 PM IST


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