Disruption of traffic on the South-East high-speed line caused by a “small plane”, a 80,000 passengers

by time news

2024-07-31 10:30:01

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Traffic is interrupted from 7:40 am on this line which connects Paris to Lyon, Marseille and Montpellier. “All tickets issued today will be exchangeable and refundable»indicate SNCF.

Traffic was interrupted on Wednesday morning on the South-East high-speed line, which connects Paris to Lyon, Marseille and Montpellier, following a power failure in Yonne linked to storms, SNCF said. Traffic has been interrupted since 7:40 am this Thursday due to a power failure in Vergigny (Yonne) – where an atrocity was killed on Friday – because “weather conditions”specify SNCF on its website.

“There was a storm this morning in Yonne with trees that fell on the conventional lines and even a tree that fell on the high speed line, which the TGV is running at full speed”explains Séverine Lepère, Ile-de-France deputy director general of SNCF Réseau. “There was some material damage to the front of the train that did not allow it to go as it was. There were no injuries on board., he added. The line is also experiencing power supply problems, according to SNCF. “LGV traffic between Lyon and Paris and Dijon is interrupted but the line between Lyon and Marseille is working well, naturally with delays”regret Séverine Lepère.

In a status update sent at 11 am, the railway group indicated that the “the way of a sudden little whirlwind” has caused damage to your network. “The SNCF Réseau teams managed to reach the site despite the access problems”specify the company, adding however of “The representatives estimate that they will not be able to quickly recover the tracks of the LGV and the classic line”. So the SNCF has chosen to bring the trains back to the station, and the travelers who were supposed to board the train today not to come. “All tickets issued today will be exchanged and refunded”adds the company, which calculates that “80,000 tourists will be affected today.” Then, in the afternoon, the company said it had been sent “More than fifty delegates […] on foot”. Furthermore, a train carrying passengers from a TGV hit a tree. “You should leave the Gare de Lyon soon.”

Storms in Yonne

A little while ago, the SNCF revealed that the storms had caused many trees to fall “on the South East high speed line at the St Florentin junction in Yonne”. If no injuries are reported, “Traffic is interrupted on the Paris-Lyon and Paris-Dijon part of the high-speed line and the classic line.” Lrepair operations are very difficult “Due to complicated access conditions following the presence of trees and branches on the roads”fill the company.

The department of Yonne has been hit by violent storms since 7:00 am this Thursday morning, according to the Météo89 department. We recorded 98 km/h in Auxerre and 99 km/h in Tonnerre. Wind damage is reported, including trees on roadways. Traffic is a local problem, including on Nationale 77 between Auxerre and Troyes, where there are trees across the tracks.

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#Disruption #traffic #SouthEast #highspeed #line #caused #small #plane #passengers

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