Dissatisfaction with Klarna Bank: Customers voice complaints and share experiences

by time news

Great dissatisfaction – many have heard about the bank



MALMÖ. Stellan Colt, 59, does not get her inherited money from Klarna bank.

His father died a year ago, but the money is still in the bank.

– If you want to be a bit conspiratorial, you could sense a business idea in this, to keep the money inside, says Stellan Colt.

After Aftonbladet’s article about the widow Ann-Christin Nord Lilliehöök, 74, and her problems with Klarna bank, emails from customers who are dissatisfied with the bank have completely poured in.

According to reader Mikael, Klarna bank does not hand out documentation for estate records.

“I don’t know how many times I asked customer service for an approximate processing time but they say they can’t answer that and they can’t contact anyone to get an answer,” he writes.

Reader Lena has been trying for several months to get Klarna bank to transfer money after the death of a relative.

“I have thought a lot about whether I should contact the Financial Supervisory Authority,” she writes in an email to Aftonbladet.

“Klarna bank does not respond,” writes another reader who wishes to remain anonymous.

“I have written in the customer service chat, called, contacted the customer ombudsman” writes the reader and adds that she tried to get in touch with the bank “so many times that I lost count”.

“It is extremely frustrating not to get an answer,” writes reader Gunilla.

“I wrote, emailed, called for months,” writes reader Annika.

And so it continues.


full screen Stellan Colt is waiting for money from Klarna bank. His father died a year ago and had a bank account with Klarna. Photo: Krister Hansson

Opened a savings account that had good interest

One of those who contacted Aftonbladet after the article about Klarna bank is the entrepreneur Stellan Colt, 59, in Malmö.

– My father passed away in January last year. Almost exactly a year ago. It was January 24, he says.

We meet in a street house on Limhamn in Malmö. The house has been converted into a small conference facility that Stellan Colt runs.

He has a background as a musician, but now calls himself an entrepreneur and restaurateur.

Stellan Colt’s father had opened an account at Klarna bank a few years before he died.

– It was two or three years earlier. He said he found a place where he could get some savings interest. So he redeemed his funds and other papers and deposited the money into that Klarna account.

– He was very happy and proud of it.


full screen “How long can it really take to make a regular bank transfer?”, says Stellan Colt. Photo: Krister Hansson

No money during the fall

Stellan Colt says that he and his family had a meeting with a lawyer after his father’s death.

– We went through the finances and then this Klarna account appeared. The lawyer arranged everything and then my brother and I signed and also wrote where the money was to be deposited.

Stellan Colt says that the lawyer forwarded everything to Klarna bank.

– This was the second of October.

Since then, nothing has happened. And Stellan Colt and his brother have not received any of the father’s money from Klarna bank or even heard anything from the bank in the three months that have passed.

– How long can it actually take to make a regular bank transfer? asks Stellan Colt.

He asked another lawyer to look at it.

– I thought from the beginning that it was something else that had gone wrong, but it turned out to be Klarna. Can’t get hold of anyone at the bank. It is not possible to call.

In the first week of December, they received a response from Klarna.

– Then we found out that the case ended up in the wrong department.


full screen Stellan Colt is one of many Aftonbladet readers who have heard about Klarna bank. Photo: Krister Hansson

“Difficult to understand”

In connection with that announcement, Klarna bank promised that a payment would take place within 14 days.

But no money came.

– Instead, they contacted us a week before Christmas and wrote that they needed our ID documents, which we sent in immediately. Since then we haven’t heard anything, says Stellan Colt.

He says that during the past months he has thought a lot about how it can be so badly managed and how the customer contact can be so substandard.

– Perhaps there is some kind of business idea here that you actually sit and hold on to money for as long as you can. It is difficult to understand.


full screen Klarna’s founder and CEO Sebastian Siemiatkowski. Photo: Magnus Hjalmarson Neideman/Svd/TT

Declines interview

Amanda Larsson is press manager at Klarna.

She writes in an email to Aftonbladet that she thinks it is “extremely sad to hear that customers feel that they did not receive good enough service”.

She continues:

“We are keen to do our utmost to help our customers as quickly and as well as possible. Without more context and insight into the specific cases you are referring to, we are unfortunately unable to provide any further comment”.

“You are welcome to ask the customers you spoke with to contact us directly, and we will look further into each case with a high value”.

Klarna bank and their CEO Sebastian Siemiatkowski decline to participate in an interview with Aftonbladet.

“Unfortunately, we do not have the opportunity to participate in an interview this time,” writes Amanda Larsson in another email.

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