Dissolution of municipal councils: Guineelive offers you the vitriolic declaration of the Forces Vives de Guinée against Mamady Doumbouya 2024-03-30 08:52:12

by time news

The Forces Vives de Guinée (FVG) vigorously protest against the dissolution of elected municipal councils and their replacement by special delegations as decided by the Decree of March 27 of the President of the Transition.
This decision by the CNRD reflects the desire of the junta to replace citizens to directly administer communities in violation of the revised Communities Code and our Country’s Decentralization policy.
The Local Authorities Code provides in its article 100 that the Municipal Council can only be dissolved under article 80 of the same law. However, this article 80 is clear: “The Council of a local authority of which at least a third of the members have been found guilty by the Court of First Instance of having committed crimes or offenses may be dissolved on the proposal of the Minister in charge local communities. The dissolution is pronounced by Decree of the President of the Republic…”.
This untimely decision to dissolve the municipal councils, which comes after that of having the heads of neighborhoods and districts appointed by the regional governors while local elections are scheduled for this year, in reality betrays the desire of the junta to exercise total control over communities with the aim of using them to establish unchallenged power over the country.
The Forces Vives de Guinée would like to recall that the failure to organize municipal elections, two and a half years after the Army took power, is the exclusive responsibility of the junta which systematically refuses to meet the conditions for organizing elections. .
The Forces Vives de Guinée warn the junta of the risk that this recurring violation of its commitments, of the Charter of the Transition and of the rights and freedoms of citizens poses to the peace and stability of our country.
The Forces Vives de Guinée invite all citizens who love democracy and justice to mobilize to fight with the greatest firmness the creeping dictatorship which is systematically confiscating our rights and freedoms and calling into question the democratic achievements of our people.

Conakry, March 29, 2024

The Forces Vives de Guinée (FVG)

2024-03-30 08:52:12

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