“Disturbed dictatorship”: former security official in attack on legal reform

by time news

resp. champion Guy Tzurthe former commander of the land arm and head of the Southern Command headquarters at the time of the disengagement, published today (Monday) a harsh post against the reform of the judicial system and claimed that the State of Israel could become the “Jewish Iran”.

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“Whoever thinks that after this coup d’état passes, God forbid, we will look like Poland or Hungary is wrong,” Tzur wrote at the beginning of his words, “A disordered dictatorship with a messianic religion in the absence of European Union brakes is a Jewish Iran. Anyone who reassures himself that it will not be so extreme will hear the Gafni Amsalem Gottlieb and Atribian, the liars, for example, full of hatred, let him think carefully about what is going to happen here. Maybe the mercy of Letz Gabir, the Minister of Police and Pitahs, will save us.”

“Yesterday I saw the Minister of Defense in a panic calling for talks,” he added, “Make no mistake, he is panicked because he came out against Bibi in a small way and called for talks without approval. Not because the country is important to him. The pilots of 69 are the best there is. The best there is. It’s good that our guys are sending a signal How small will be here if they continue. The El Al pilots came out great, almost. It’s a shame that in the end they found someone to fly them for the shameful and insatiable royal family.”

To Som, Tzur wrote: “Whoever thinks that they will continue to destroy the State of Israel and the reservists will still come and the pilots will fly and everything will go well is a dreamer. Enough with the hypocrisy. Anyone who denounces the pilots of 69 and all our other wonderful reservists who always stand at the head and this time, who send the first signs to the new masters of the land, is a criminal The elite called the government. Anyone who denounces them is either a hypocrite or a fool or a bibist. Silence is slime. Hypocrisy is disgust. Applause to the heroes of this country.”

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