diversify your contract effectively

by time news

2023-04-18 06:00:17

Even if the French let themselves be more and more convinced by units of account, nearly half of the savings placed in life insurance are invested with less than 20% of these risky investments, according to statistics from France Assureurs. And 39% of the savings are even placed 100% in the fund in euros.

For these policyholders, the rise in yields is welcome, but it will not be enough to protect capital from monetary erosion. Indeed, inflation, around 6% in 2022 in France, eats away at purchasing power and, in fine, cause you to lose money. Provided you have a long-term investment horizon, at least five to eight years, it is better to diversify your contract. Such a project must be structured in stages.

Clearly define your project

We don’t make the same choices at 40 or 70, if we need our savings to finance our lifestyle or if we don’t have a defined project, if the stock market scares us or if you already have financial knowledge… Before rushing to the list of media eligible for your contract, you should therefore take stock of yourself and your projects.

“There are three main parameters to take into account, says Guillaume Lucchini, founding partner of the firm Scala Patrimoine. First of all his age and his objectives, then his risk profile and finally his appetite for socially responsible investment. »

The more time you have, the more risk you can afford. “There are real opportunities today for a long-term investor, as some markets fell sharply last year”believes Roger Caniard, financial director of the MACSF.

Establish the share devoted to the fund in euros

The previous work will make it possible to determine the part to be allocated to the fund in euros and the part which will be devoted to units of account. Be careful, behind this generic term hide very diverse investment vehicles with a very variable level of risk. Only the euro fund offers a day-to-day capital guarantee and a ratchet effect allowing the interest that has been paid to be retained.

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Let’s take a few examples to assess the minimum percentage of units of account to hold. Within the Linxea Avenir 2 contract, managed management is offered by Montségur Finance. The defensive profile, the safest of the four offered, has 25% risky supports. At Yomoni, which offers greater granularity with no less than ten risk profiles, bet on 30% units of account on profile 2 (the first being 100% in euro funds) and 40% on profile 3.

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