Diversity, difference….and a brutal inequality. An evolutionary perspective. – Mental health in difficult times

by time news

It could be said that nature is a machine for producing diversity, which is extraordinary from the point of view that it generates endless possibilities for life. But not all of this enormous diversity generated is capable of adequately adapting to a certain context, to a certain historical moment. For example, if many types of limbs are generated, not all of them are equally suited to reach where food is, and survive. Or, if, for example, many types of behaviors are generated, not all of them are adequate to survive in a narcissistic and exhibitionist society like today’s society. If you are shy, you will have trouble getting ahead.

For this reason, diversity also gives rise to a brutal inequality regarding the possibilities of adaptation. And inequality, obviously, for losers is bitter, cruel. Unless there are some good rules of the game that protect the less adapted, the losers and that guarantee the rights of all people.

That is to say, something that is very positive and interesting from the outset, such as diversity, is not really so for all those organisms or subjects that have limitations in adapting to the current context. For example, if the food is at the end of the hall and there are no rules, obviously those who have a type of musculature that allows them to run faster will take it. Those who arrive late to the cast may have other very valuable qualities in other areas and among all treasure a wonderful diversity. But if food redistribution programs are not put in place, they will go without eating, or eat leftovers.

Obviously, the equitable distribution can only be corrected from the outside, with protection and compensation for those who are not well adapted to the current context. But unfortunately, in today’s world, this inequality is widening, because a small group of people, the famous 1%, control more and more resources and obtain enormous levels of power, while the 99% increasingly see it and they are desired to go ahead with the little cake that is left to them. And this trend is only increasing.

However, it must be taken into account that these subjects insufficiently adapted to today’s world are not only people with all their rights, but are also very valuable for all humanity, because they keep all that diversity that can be very useful for when things change, because everything is constantly changing and today’s adapted may be tomorrow’s maladaptive. Continuing with the example of running towards food, those who run less today could be more apt to survive tomorrow in an aquatic world, or with a different gravity… and we must bear in mind that evolution does not know where we are headed. carry.

Thus, very beautiful and very suggestive terms, such as diversity, difference… hide a very important problem. There must be rules that make it possible for those who are less adapted today to live with dignity. And in my opinion they deserve much more than a basic income. Not only because they are people, but also because they treasure a diversity that is worth its weight in gold for the human species.

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