“Django Unchained”. DiCaprio’s (real) blood, Waltz’s broken pelvis and Kevin Costner’s rejection. The 15 secrets

by time news

On Monday 6 September Rai Movie will broadcast “Django Unchained” at 9.10pm, film directed in 2012 by Quentin Tarantino. The film is set in 1858 in the southern United States: the black slave Django (Jamie Foxx) regains his freedom thanks to Dr. King Schultz (Christoph Waltz), a bounty hunter of German origins. The two make a pact: Django who has proved to be very skilled with the gun will help Schultz to catch the fearsome Brittle brothers, in exchange the doctor will collaborate with Django to free his wife Broomhilda (Kerry Washington) who has ended up as a slave in the plantation of the perfidious Calvin Candie (Leonardo DiCaprio), one of the richest landowners in Mississippi. “Django Unchained” is a film that pays homage to spaghetti westerns by telling a love story at the time of slavery in the US. Ironic, fast paced, full of brilliant ideas and quotes, the film features a stellar cast (Jamie Foxx, Christoph Waltz, Leonardo DiCaprio, Kerry Washington and Samuel L. Jackson) and conquers critics and audiences. The film receives 5 Oscar nominations and two statuettes, the first going to the formidable Christoph Waltz as supporting actor, the other to the best original screenplay. At the box office it is a great success: costing 100 million dollars, it collects 425. Waiting for the broadcast, here are 15 things that you may not know.

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