DNA research has revealed grim facts about medieval cave-dwelling Christians

by times news cr

It is one of several known medieval cave communitieswho lived in the Iberian Peninsula, which includes Portugal and Spain. Archaeologists have long debated why these groups preferred caves over more conventional villages. While it may be tempting to speculate about hermits or religious groups, there is little evidence to support such theories, say Anders Götherström and Ricardo Rodriguez Varela, researchers in molecular archeology at Stockholm University’s Department of Archeology and Classical Studies.

The researchers’ study, published in the journal Science Advances, examines these possibilities by adding genetic analysis to what is known about the physical human remains from the site’s burial site. DNA research allowed us to reveal the ancestors of this community, their mutual relationships and the diseases that afflicted them.

The aggregated information reveals family histories, occasional outbreaks of violence, and illness. One possibility is that some of the first colonists were people with military experience – although it is not clear whether they were professional soldiers or not.

The settlement existed since the 6th century. from the middle to the 11th century The early Middle Ages were a dynamic and tumultuous era in many parts of Europe, including the Iberian Peninsula. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 The Visigoths, who came from Northern Europe, began to rule the Iberian Peninsula.

The Visigothic kingdom collapsed in 711 when Muslim armies from North Africa conquered the region. After this event, a territory called Al-Andal was established, which at its height covered most of the Iberian Peninsula. However, Christian kingdoms remained in the north of the peninsula, which gradually regained territories.

What is known about this period in this part of the world relates mainly to the events of the time in the great cities of Iberia, such as Toledo, Granada and Córdoba. These were the centers of trade, diplomacy and power.

The rural area of ​​Las Gobas offers a glimpse into life away from these urban centers, the researchers write.

Las Gobas Cemetery, located in the province of Burgos in northern Spain, is a cemetery that was in continuous use from the 7th to the 11th century. Initially, they were connected to the church and also built in the cave complex. Until the 10th century the inhabitants moved to a more typical village, however The cave church and cemetery were used until the 11th century.

During the archaeological excavations, the remains of 41 people were found in the cemetery, and in 33 cases it was possible to determine the gender: 22 men and 11 women were identified. About 28 remains yielded enough DNA for further testing, using a variety of genetic methods.

Sword strikes

The population was found to be mostly of indigenous Iberian descent, with very little North African genetic contribution – despite the population living near the northern edge of Al-Andalu.

This is consistent with historical data showing that the genetic influence of North Africans in northern Iberia was limited during the Middle Ages. Nevertheless, some migration took place, as evidenced by several people with more North African ancestry after the Muslim conquest.

Two of the skeletons show signs of violence, probably caused by sword blows to the head. The two individuals were genetically closely related. Miraculously, one of them survived the injury that pierced the skull. However, these skeletons are from the period before the Muslim conquest, so their injuries were not caused by conflicts on the Al-Andalu border.

During this period, an increased level of blood mixing was observed, approximately 61 percent. samples showed signs of incest (14 out of 23). This shows that at that time the population practiced endogamy – married only within the community.

Coupled with the evidence of inbreeding, it appears that some of the first men were closely related, as their Y chromosome (the package of genetic material passed from father to son) shows only relatively small differences. This suggests that in the 7th century the area may have been inhabited by a small patrilocal (where couples settle in the husband’s house or community) group that may have had military experience.

Several bacteria have also been found during the early settlement phase of Las Gobas Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiaewhich causes skin diseases in humans. Even more interestingly, this bacterium is often found in domestic animals.

Source of smallpox

The presence of this bacterium, which is commonly found in pigs, suggests that keeping these animals was an important part of the community’s lifestyle. Also, one of the people infected E. rhusiopathiaewas also infected Yersinia enterocolitica – a bacterium that infects humans through contaminated meat or dirty water.

Endogamy has remained a strong feature throughout the history of the population – even when the 10th century. the community moved from cave dwellings to more typical rural settlements. In this later stage of the 10th c. DNA of the variola virus, which causes smallpox, has been detected in an individual’s body.

Some researchers suggest that smallpox, which has a high mortality rate (30 percent without vaccination), entered Iberia during the Muslim conquest. However, the Las Gobas smallpox strain is similar to smallpox strains found in Scandinavia, Russia, and Germany during the same period. Therefore, it appears that at least one route of the pandemic was from the east.

Increasing mobility, an example of which is the 9th-10th centuries. the increasing importance of the northern city of Santiago de Compostela for Christian pilgrimage may have even helped spread the virus. In all these respects, Las Gobas stands out as a unique site that encompasses the turbulent early medieval period in the Iberian Peninsula.

All this suggests a community characterized by isolation, violence and piety. The group that initially lived in caves turned into a typical rural settlement, which faced a number of diseases. Therefore, this area offers a rare and detailed opportunity to get to know the lives of people whose stories are often overshadowed by the history of big cities and their elites, the researchers write.

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2024-09-08 13:58:28

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