Do I have to take out insurance for a second home?

by time news

when we buy one second home, we expose ourselves to a series of risks inherent in leaving a home uninhabited for much of the year. There may be an incident, a theft, or even the risk of intruders entering and settling on your property permanently. A real headache before which many choose to cover their backs by hiring good home insurance.

However, is it mandatory to have insurance of these characteristics? As many may have thought, many times an individual cannot afford it or simply does not want to secure a second home. The truth is that today Spanish legislation does not oblige in any case that an individual take out home insurance. Neither for your habitual residence, nor for a second residence. In spite of everything, it must be taken into account that, in the event that the home is mortgaged, the law does dictate that insurance must be taken out.

In these cases, many times the banks themselves offer, along with the mortgage loan, complementary home insurance. Despite this, there is no impediment for the interested party to acquire it from another entity. In the same way, when it is intended to rent the house, contracts usually include a clause in which the owner agrees to take out a policy. On it, the obligations of repair or improvement will fall in case the house needs it.

Squatting is one of the problems to which occasional dwellings are exposed

for five reasons

That said, many portals strongly recommend having home insurance for your second home. From, they list up to five reasons for which a decision in this sense constitutes a highly beneficial measure for your home and, above all, for your peace of mind. Before starting, it must be said that the mere fact that a house remains uninhabited for most of the year it is a reason in its own right for you to seriously reflect on whether or not it is worth it.

  1. In the first place, the fact that no one is watching can favor certain minutiae, such as a water leak, becoming in serious trouble, of very difficult solution, like a leak. With insurance, you can prevent these situations from occurring.
  2. Sometimes this type of residential buildings are usually located outside urban centers or on the outskirts of towns. This translates into a dangerous lack of defenses that can make your home an easy target for certain people, such as the busy
  3. Los robberies, such as home invasion, threaten casual dwellings. Especially if, as usual, they have good furniture. An insurance would cover all the expenses of possible looting.
  4. Near the beach are most of the second homes of the Spanish. And, with climate change, torrential rains and their effects, it may happen that your house is involved in an atmospheric incident risk against which it is better to cover one’s back.
  5. Clearly, the needs of a regular home are not the same as those of a vacation home. A very beneficial aspect is that policies can be very flexible and, therefore, allow the provisions to be adapted to our needs

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