Do men live longer than women? The researchers’ answer leaves no room for doubt

by time news
15 September 2022 • Door Janine


In recent centuries, life expectancy at birth has increased significantly, mainly due to improved hygienic conditions and technological and scientific discoveries. What has not changed is the difference in life expectancy between men and women. Women have always lived longer than men.

However, a Danish study has overturned this belief, showing that men today are said to live longer than their wives. Let’s look at the study in detail.

A recent Danish study shows that women do not always live longer than men. “There is a percentage of men who also have a high probability of living longer than women. These nuances become even more interesting when we look at subpopulations based on education and marital status,” said study researcher Jesus-Adrian Alvarez, who leads the study. the investigation stands. According to statistics, an average of one or two in four men have lived longer on average than women since 1850, and the study has now identified the variables that determine this increase in longevity: education level and marital status.

In short, married, graduate men live longer on average than unmarried women with a higher education degree.

The study analyzed 200 years of lifespan data and distinguished between life expectancy and years lived. The result, according to Alvarez, does not contradict the fact that women live longer, but “describes the various nuances, showing that the differences are not as drastic as depicted in terms of life expectancy”.

What does this study teach us? No doubt that men should work harder to improve their longevity, without accepting it as a fait accompli; this is the opinion of dr. Danine Fruge, director of the Pritikin Longevity Center in Miami, Florida. “People are not statistics. They are individuals,” said Fruge. “I’ve seen people completely reverse the statistics because of the changes they’ve made in their lives.

But what do graduation and marriage have to do with it? A higher level of education enables men to make more conscious and informed choices about their lifestyle, according to experts. In addition, marriage offers a range of benefits from the point of view of social connections, which generally lead to a greater state of well-being.

Now it’s up to men to commit to outdoing women, what do you think?

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