Do not go to this hotel.. May be attacked.. America alert

by time news

It is known that terrorists will target celebrities staying in star hotels and even in India there was an attack on the Taj Hotel. In that way, the United States has now announced that no Americans should go to the Marriott Hotel in Pakistan and there is a high possibility of an attack on that hotel, causing a great stir.

The US embassy in Pakistan’s capital Islamabad has issued a warning warning that no American embassy personnel should enter the Marriott Hotel and that there is a high possibility of an attack on the hotel.

The Indian Embassy and its government have asked government employees to be vigilant at places of worship and avoid crowded places. And the US government has released a list of potential attack sites and has warned staff working at the US Embassy to be extra careful.

In particular, a policeman was killed and 6 others injured in a suicide attack in Islamabad two days ago. It is noteworthy that the US government issued this warning after this attack.

Similarly, the US government has said that Americans should not stay at the Marriott Hotel in Islamabad during the holidays and that some mysterious people are plotting to kill Americans who come to that hotel.

Therefore, it has been announced that all employees of the US Embassy in Islamabad are prohibited from visiting the Marriott Hotel. Consular staff have also been warned not to go to places where public meetings are held.

The US government has also said that no one should go to any gathering in the capital especially on Friday. The US government’s warning to consular officials in the US has caused a stir in Pakistan.

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