Do not send your loved one to die!

by time news

The Minister of Defense of Ukraine Oleksi Reznikov recently (Friday) issued a statement in which he strengthened the Ukrainian army on its stand against the Russian enemy, “Dear Ukrainians! More than 40 hours of fighting against the Russian occupiers proved that we have the strongest army in Europe and brave warriors. We knew it and now everyone has seen it and started internalizing it. ”

“Our defenders every minute in their heroic struggle are changing the world’s attitude towards Ukraine.” Resnikov said, adding, “It makes them more supportive of us. Ukrainians are now choosing the future they deserve long ago. Ours and to all of Europe. Sure we will win! Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the Ukrainian army! ” Said the Ukrainian Minister of Defense to his people.

“Now I want to address the residents of the Russian Federation.” Resnikov continued, “especially for women, mothers, friends of Russian soldiers and officers.” In a few days of fighting in Ukraine as many Russian army forces as possible, thousands upon thousands, will be destroyed. The Russian government has become the killer of killers, not only the Ukrainians but also the Russians. We know that all the boys are being taken urgently to the army all over Russia, even without minimal fighting skills and we are not told where they are really going and what awaits them. ”

“Hide your loved ones if they are really dear to you.” Resnikov said, “Do not send them to die! They will be killed from every window in a Ukrainian city. Take to the streets demanding an end to the war. Demanding the withdrawal of the Russian army from Ukraine. dont be afraid! The truth is on your side. Now you can change everything so that you do not regret it later. “When all the information about the Kremlin’s war crimes is known, your loved ones will be very grateful to you.”

The Minister of Defense of Ukraine Oleksi Reznikov

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