“Do prevention and pray.” The video message on social media

by time news

Flavio Briatore, returning from an operation for heart cancer, thanked all those who showed him affection and warmth in these difficult days. From Monte Carlo where he lives he addresses his followers with a video published on his Instagram profile: «I want to thank you, I’m fine. The message I sent was this: guys, do prevention, it’s fundamental. And then another message I give you, praying every now and then doesn’t hurt.”


The message on social media

Flavio Briatore, in casual clothing, addresses his followers: «Guys I wanted to tell you that I’m fine. In the meantime, I wanted to thank you all because never again did I imagine having so many expressions of affection from so many, so many people. Yesterday I took a walk and there were a lot of people greeting me, shaking my hand and asking me how I am. I’m fine, I can’t thank everyone personally,” he said in the video.


Regarding prevention, the day after the heart operation Flavio Briatore told Corriere della Sera: «It’s stuff for the rich, they told me. It’s true, we are privileged.

We should all be able to get check-ups. There are things for which the centre, right and left should be united and one is the right to health.” Briatore also specified: “Meanwhile, I paid for treatment in Milan, I didn’t do it for free.” Receiving the diagnosis was a hard blow: “I was scared and I prayed,” he recalled.

Elisabetta Gregoraci and her son at her side

«Nathan supported me, when we saw each other after the operation it was a very touching moment, he was crying. He is big and thick, he is 1.88 meters tall, but he has the heart of a child, he is still small. He was very excited… », said Flavio Briatore. The presence of his son at his side was fundamental, as was that of his ex-wife Elisabetta Gregoraci: «They were intense and difficult days but they overcame them together. Let’s take this moment to remind ourselves how futile everything is when it comes to health. She’s going home”, she wrote, saying she was next to the manager day and night. He is very grateful to the showgirl for her closeness, and in the same way thanks all the loved ones who have not abandoned him: “She was very nice, like Daniela Santanché, who came to visit me several times, and other friends: I don’t have them warn everyone before I admit myself, because I would only have created problems for the hospital, with attention on me. Elisabetta will always be part of my family, she gave me the most important thing I have, my son. This alone deserves everything my respect. I also heard from Leni (the daughter he had with Heidi Klum, ed.)… It was even Falco who warned her immediately.”


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