Do stones bring luck? This says science

by time news

2023-06-19 09:03:00

Las piedras, especially the so-called precious ones, are reputed to attract good luck. In fact, they have become a regular item in some stores, where they are sold as amulets. In such a way they exalt their properties and highlighting which are the most beneficial. If you want to attract fortune in a field, such as love or work, they will surely sell you a specific stone or crystal for it.

However, is this just a mito? Is it just about tradition? maybe it’s just a booming business in recent years? To find out, it is necessary to resort to the science. This is what they say scientific studies about.

The lucky stones

Lovely/Photo: Pixabay

What stones are we talking about when we refer to the lucky stones? The most common are the ruby, agate, green jade, emerald, amethyst, quartz and pyrite. The ruby ​​is reputed to give lucky in love. He agate It serves both sentimentally and economically. He jade verde Call to the prosperity, both personal and family. The quartz they move away the negative energiesespecially rose quartz. The esmeralda cure envy. The amethyst decreases the menopause symptoms. And if you want attract moneynothing like the drink. Or this is what is said.

Some even talk about stones and crystals that relieve stress or that have healing properties. So much so that in the market you will find numerous books on gemotherapy, crystal therapy and other disciplines that affirm cure diseases with stones.

This is what the defenders of the use of stones and crystals for these practices say. But what is true in all this? Do these assertions have any scientific phase or is it simple superstition? Are we facing a variety of pseudoscience What has been growing in recent years?

Stones and healing properties

Quartz/Photo: Unsplash

We start with the stones and their healing properties. Science leaves no doubt about it. They are false. Neither crystals nor stones have any healing power. They cannot cure any disease. And there is no scientific publication that corroborates the idea that stones heal.

The placebo effect of crystals and stones

Woman with stones in her hand/Photo: Unsplash

Some people claim that the crystal therapy o gemotherapy He has cured an illness. They defend that way pseudoterapias with stones for the cure of certain ills. Others say that they carry with them a pyrite amulet, which contributes to all businesses going well. And there are those who testify that since he has placed a large green jade stone in his house, his family’s fortunes have increased.

The truth is that there is nothing scientific about it. Actually, when talking about these issues, what science detects is something very simple: the Placebo effect. This is confirmed by studies such as the one presented at the British Psychological Society Centenary Annual Conference in Glasgow in 2001. In this study by Professor Christopher C. Frenchfrom the University of London, determined how the manipulation of stones and crystals only causes the autosuggestion of people.

To carry it out, 40 participants were given a piece of quartz without telling them what it was and, to another 40, a piece of glass, telling them it was quartz. They were then asked to meditate with it in their hands for five minutes. The results left no room for doubt. Those who believed they had held quartz on their hands spoke of the warmth emanating from their palms and the growing sense of well-being they felt. It didn’t matter what stone or crystal it was, the important thing was what they believed. His mind did the rest. This study, which was presented but not published, thus verified the placebo effect of stones.

Current situation

Pendants with stones/Photo: Unsplash

Currently, there are no scientific studies that support the power of stones, so, at best, they can only be attributed a placebo effect. What is behind it is a whole business. It is estimated that, in 2019, the retail market for crystals and stones moved more than 1,000 million dollars. The main producers are Brazil, India, China and Madagascar. In the latter country, the mines from which they are extracted are unsafe, with deplorable working conditions and entire families digging with shovels for pennies.

So, if you want to have stones or crystals, specialists conclude that there is no problem as long as medical treatments are not abandoned or become an obsession or create dependent behaviors. In any case, if you buy any of them, make sure you check where they come from y what is its form of extraction and production to buy with a responsible consumption that does not increase labor exploitation in places like Madagascar.

#stones #bring #luck #science

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