Do UFOs exist? Pentagon admission: “143 unexplained sightings but …”

by time news

The US government still does not have a clear explanation regarding the 143 suspicious UFO sightings recorded in more than twenty years. This is what we read in the report released by the Pentagon and delivered to the White House. The conclusions could generate further conjectures because, even if we speak of “largely insufficient evidence”, the presence of aliens is neither confirmed nor excluded.

In twenty-one reports of “unknown phenomena”, the Director of American Intelligence speaks of “18 episodes in which technological capabilities unknown to the United States emerge”: objects that move at extraordinary speed and with accelerations believed to go beyond the potential also of countries like Russia or China. In recent years, the data collected have not been deemed sufficient to provide a solid opinion on the phenomenon, in one sense or another.

The intelligence appears reluctant to admit the presence of UFOs to the point that it has chosen to call the “unidentified objects” with the term of Uap, “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena”, ie “unidentified aerial phenomena”. The difference in terms does not fill the doubts: out of 144 sightings, 143 remain inexplicable.

The 144, on the other hand, was identified: it was a balloon, perhaps a hot air balloon, which had collapsed, according to the report. A senior US administration adviser, quoted by NBC, argues that the sightings “could be the result of sensory errors, which need further analysis.” The document does not mention aliens but admits that the phenomena may go beyond the government’s idea of ​​these “unidentified objects”. They do not represent proof that aliens are among us, nor that they are the result of technologies from foreign countries. On what, then, they can be, remains the mystery, with all due respect to the lovers of the genre.

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