Do vegetarians fart more than carnivores?

by time news

Many people are now switching to a (partially) vegetarian diet. Better for the environment, better for animals and nowadays even cheaper. But is it true that vegetarians fart more later than carnivores? Metro asks food expert Manon Wouters the question and comes up with interesting (and somewhat laughable) answers about the well-known stink bombs.

According to Wouters, it is indeed true that vegetarians fart more than people who eat meat. “That’s because they eat more fruits and vegetables,” says the nutrition expert. “Many vegetarians replace meat with vegetables and fruit, because they contain more dietary fiber. The dietary fibers from vegetables and fruit are only broken down in the large intestine and gases can be formed. The more food you have, the more you fart.”

‘If you fart a lot, your gut is working hard’

If you are planning to switch to a vegetarian diet, according to Wouters, you should also take into account that you will fart more in the beginning. “It can take several weeks for your gut to get used to the amount of dietary fiber you ingest. Because the fibers from fruits and vegetables absorb a lot of moisture, it is important to drink enough water.”

Does the number of farts you produce in a day drive you crazy? Then remember that it is healthy to leave them. “If you fart a lot, it means that your intestines are working hard,” says Wouters. “Your waste products have to be removed, so if you hold back a fart, you can get complaints such as fatigue or abdominal cramps. If you fart, it’s a good sign. Your intestines are then active and that is healthy.”

Healthy substances in farts

Breathing in other people’s vapors is not exactly pleasant, but according to the nutrition expert, even that has health benefits. “There are healthy substances in farts,” she knows Metro to tell. “Researchers have seen that hydrogen sulfide can reduce the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, stroke and even dementia. So you can say that it is healthy to be in the smell of someone else.”

Wouters herself advises her clients to eat more fruit and vegetables. “Vegetables contain all the important diets, so I always recommend adopting a more plant-based diet. Eating less meat is a lot healthier. In particular, regularly eating red meat and meat products increases the risk of colon cancer.”

‘Products such as soybeans, vegetables and tempeh are good’

However, she does not directly advise her clients to follow a completely plant-based diet. “Then you may be dealing with deficiencies in omega-3, iron and vitamin B. Nowadays there are many good meat substitutes, but you also have to be careful with that. Some products are highly processed and, in addition to preservatives, also contain sugar, salt and fat. Then rather go for products such as soybeans, vegetables, tempeh and eggs.”

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Do vegetarians fart more than carnivores? ‘A fart is healthy’

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