Do what their ZAN does | Israel time

by time news

Benjamin Netanyahu’s propaganda and spin engines achieved a statement by Gadi Sukenik in one of the interviews and attacked her as the originator of much loot. Sukenik is an independent man and does not represent any party, but the Terrorist Army has already marked him as a haughty leftist.

Netanyahu released an official condemnation, where he treated the statement as if it had been said about Likud voters, when in practice it was said about the party’s Knesset members, Miri Regev pushed “racist”, even though most of the party’s voters are wealthy Ashkenazi men, and Amir Ohana has given reasons for Netanyahu’s books On high intelligence (hey, and what about emotional intelligence?). And so the spin went and swelled.

Netanyahu’s propaganda and spin engines gained expression and took on a lot of booty. Sukenik is an independent man and does not represent any party, but the Armed Forces Army has already marked him as a haughty leftist.

Let’s We will try for a moment to test political intelligence. We will set aside the studies in order to intelligence and identify geniuses compared to others.

Do Likud elected officials behave intelligently and intelligently when they unreservedly support Netanyahu’s moves? Do they have the political intelligence that can advance Israel to a better future?

“Ability to distinguish between thing and thing.” Writes the Oxford Dictionary by definition of “intelligence.”
Does Israel Katz, a former finance minister, know how to differentiate between a country with an approved legal budget and a country that does not have an approved budget but only a continuation, and is forced to stop projects, appointments, laws, payments and all its systems Because the law does not allow spending money that is not approved in a legal budget?

Does Yoav Galant, the former Minister of Education, know how to differentiate between a collapsing system and a reform in teachers’ salaries?

Does former Health Minister Yaakov Litzman know how to distinguish between the state of the shortage of standards and beds in hospitals and the chaos and dangers expected of the public as a result?

Is the former Minister of Internal Security, Amir Ohana, an intelligent person who understands that the absence of a permanent commissioner for two and a half years harms the police, its independence, its operational function in fighting crime, its ability to resist dangerous projects like the mass celebrations in Meron, or its ability to deal with IPS failures For the escape of dangerous prisoners?

Do Likud elected officials behave intelligently and intelligently when they unreservedly support Netanyahu’s moves? Do they have political intelligence capable of advancing Israel to a better future?

Based on the testimonies of these ministers, they declare that they are intelligent and that Sukenik only slandered. So what is the explanation for their behavior that does not notice the dangers to which their leader has led? Five elections in 3 years Is this an intelligent move by a country led by intelligent ministers?

What is the explanation for the irresponsible behavior, according to which they support annexation, and the next day in the century-long deal that transfers territories to the Palestinians? Oppose a Palestinian state, but if Netanyahu says they will immediately support it? Supporters of cooperation with RAAM, but the day after the formation of the change government, RAAM is called a supporter of terrorism and continues to explain that Abu Yair did not negotiate with RAAM to enter his government?

What is the explanation for the fact that together, as one man, they support the decision to oppose any law brought by the coalition, even if it is for the benefit of all Israeli citizens? What is intelligent about this behavior?

What is the explanation for the fact that together, as one man, they support the decision to oppose any law brought by the coalition, even if it is for the benefit of all Israeli citizens? What is intelligent about this behavior?

What is intelligent about passing a law on rape? For young couples? For the settlers in Judea and Samaria – their bloc voters? What is intelligent about opposing the metro law that is supposed to serve all citizens of the country and cost tens of billions?

And the latest example, meanwhile, is that the US ambassador is forced to beg the Knesset of Israel to vote in favor of an exemption from visas for Israelis to the US, a benefit he has been working on since taking office for the citizens and is about to be rejected because of the opposition?

On the face of it, even a man who is not a scientist researching intelligence seems like a strange, dangerous, irrational and certainly unwise move.

Likud voters marked themselves with their unconditional loyalty to Netanyahu as people who put aside their wisdom. The ability to distinguish between thing and thing.

Please respect all the weepers who were hurt by Sukenik’s words and say: What intelligent, original, inspiring and intelligent move was made by the Netanyahu governments for the benefit of the public?

What solution has no one thought of before that they initiated in favor of one of Israel’s core issues: the cost of living, the conflict with the Palestinians, the fragility of democracy and the threats to it, and more?

cant hear.

Is there an example of one intelligent proposal that will prevent a disaster in Meron, make the ultra-Orthodox go to work and enlist, reduce the bureaucracy and high taxes that make our lives miserable?

The weepers who were hurt by Sukenik’s words will be honored and point to an intelligent, original, inspiring and intelligent move made by the Netanyahu governments for the benefit of the public. What solution no one has thought of initiated in favor of one of Israel’s core issues?

These people for years have been preoccupied only with the troubles of their leader, his criminal trials and their survival in power.

No act of intelligence for the sake of the quality of life of the citizens they have done.
Wise weepers.

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