Do you find it difficult to swallow when eating? I could have a serious problem

by time news

Have you ever had difficulty swallowing? Or have you felt food getting stuck in your throat?

It’s a horrible feeling.

Sometimes you have the impression that you are going to drown. In fact, sometimes this problem leads to serious choking that makes it necessary to go to the ER immediately.

Medical science defines this problem as dysphagia.

This is a disorder that, although it can occur sporadically (for example, when eating too fast), can also become chronic and seriously compromise health. It can even be a symptom that actually alerts you to other health problems.

Also, although it may not seem like a serious problem at first, the truth is that it can have serious health consequences, especially if it affects the elderly.

To give you an idea, if dysphagia is not treated on time it can even lead to malnutrition, dehydration or pneumonia.

Well, in the next number of AlterNatura Health You will discover, from the hand of Belén Miralles, our expert nutritionist and phytotherapist, the types of dysphagia and its causes, as well as all the keys to deal with it.

Dysphagia: much more than an annoying sensation

Depending on the area of ​​the digestive tract in which this problem occurs when swallowing, we speak of dysphagia. oropharyngeal (in the mouth and pharynx) or esophageal (in the esophagus and throat).

Each type is associated with a series of symptoms that it is essential to know, since they allow you to determine what caused the problem.

And it is that sometimes dysphagia can be due to persistent heartburn or reflux problems that have ended up compromising the state of the throat.

But watch out! It can also be the result of pathologies of all kinds, such as Parkinson’s, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Guillain-Barré syndrome…

It may even be warning of the presence of a tumor in the throat or esophagus, which is what prevents you from swallowing and digesting food normally.

Therefore, knowing the symptoms of each type of dysphagia -and that you will find perfectly detailed in the next issue of AlterNatura Health– is what will allow you to identify its origin.

Now, once identified, what can you do?

The natural treatment of dysphagia

Generally, the first measure that conventional medicine opts for to treat dysphagia, as long as there are no complications that require surgical intervention, is the prescription of PPI (proton pump inhibitor) type drugs.

The big problem is that these drugs are associated with side effects, sometimes as serious as tachycardia, liver damage, Alzheimer’s and even certain types of cancer.

Fortunately, it also has risk-free natural solutions: medicinal plants with recognized relaxing properties that help soothe the throat so that swallowing is no longer a torment.

In this special on dysphagia you will find some of the most effective and, of course, the different ways in which you can take them to benefit from their properties.

But that is not all! You will also learn some guidelines that you can carry out, very easy to follow, to mitigate the symptoms of dysphagia.

Among them you will find, for example, specific exercises that will help you strengthen your facial muscles (and thus improve control of your mouth and make it easier for you to swallow).

And in any case, this is not the only topic you will find in this number of Health Alternatura:

  • You will know the best homeopathic remedies against typical winter viruses. Rhinovirus, influenza, parainfluenza, coronavirus… All of them are responsible for colds, colds, flu and other ailments typical of the colder months. You will discover which are the best homeopathic solutions for each case.
  • will learn to identify the authentic “tiger balm”, an ancient ointment effective against numerous health problems. And you’ll even know how to make an effective alternative yourself, without leaving your home! If you are not familiar with this ancient remedy – which has given rise to solutions as famous as Vicks vaporub– We are sure you will love this item.
  • Likewise, this issue also awaits you the third part of a special on alternative and complementary anticancer therapies, which we are publishing over the course of several months. On this occasion, you will get to know a pioneering center in the multidisciplinary approach to “post-cancer”attending to emotional, psychological factors…
  • You will know in depth the triphalaa well-known formula in Ayurvedic phytotherapy based on 3 plants and which is most effective as a support against multiple health problems (from cavities and gastroesophageal reflux to some cancers).
  • You will discover what they are and how take real “smart breaks” in your day to day, which will allow you to increase your concentration and productivity in any activity you do.
  • And a lot lot more.

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AlterNatura Health is an innovative monthly publication on wellness and complementary and alternative solutions for better health. Month after month, 32 pages full of the most amazing discoveries and natural treatments await you, backed point by point by the most recent and cutting-edge scientific research.

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Luis Miguel Oliveiras

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